10 February

60 Malta, History: According to legend the apostle Paul was shipwrecked on Malta.
Apostale Paul.jpg
1635 Paris, Knowledge: Cardinal Richelieu established the The Académie française to purse and to spread knowledge. This churchman did not fear science.
1939 Miami, Popular Culture: John Ford’s ‘Stagecoach’ premiered. When the Ringo Kid poured himself through the window of the moving stagecoach it was the birth of a legend. After years of obscurity in Hollywood John Wayne became a star. The film also started John Ford’s commitment to the Western as the genre he made his own. Together Ford and Wayne came to ‘The Searchers’ (1956).
1949 New York City, Drama: Arthur Miller’s play ‘Death of Salesman’ opened and Willy Loman is still running some where, some how. I have seen it on the boards a couple of times and also some film versions.
1996 Philadelphia, Technology: The unbeatable Garry Kasparov lost to Deep Blue, an IBM computer. Kaparov had beaten many computers since the 1980s. He has also beaten all human comers, too.
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