20 May

325 Constantinople, History: Emperor Constantine convened the first Ecumenical Council in Nicaea to resolve theological differences among Christians. Disputes continued. Think dancing angels and pins. There is an informative episode of Lord Bragg’s ‘In Our Time’ about this conference. I remember the name and nothing else from a college class on ‘The New Testament as Literature.’
1867 London, Politics: MP John Stuart Mill introduced a private member’s bill to enfranchise women. It was roundly defeated and Mill was ridiculed. A biography of Mill is discussed elsewhere on this blog.
1873 San Francisco, Fashion: Levi Strauss and Jacob Davis patented work-pants made of denim and reinforced with copper rivets, i.e., blue jeans. Jacobs was a tailor and Stauss a clothing retailer.
Strauss history-of-denim2.jpg
1927 St. Louis, Aviation: In ‘The Spirit of St Louis’ Charles Lindberg flew solo across the Atlantic Ocean. At the the time such a flight was thought impossible.
Spirit of St Louis with Lindy.jpg
1990 Space, Astronomy: The Hubble Space Telescope transmitted its first photographs of deep space.