24 May

1595 Leiden, Knowledge: The Leiden University Library inaugurated its nomenclator, a printed catalogue of the books in the library. This is the first recorded use of catalog in an institutional library. For a time I had a reader’s card for this library, as I never tire of repeating.
1838 Sydney, Commerce: The first David Jones store opened on George Street at Barrack Lane. It is oldest department store operating under its original name, according to Wikipedia. Welshman David Jones immigrated as a free settler, first to Tasmania and then New South Wales. It is usually referred to as DJs. Dropped a lot of dosh there in the food hall.
1844 Baltimore, Technology: Samuel Morse dispatched the first telegram on an experimental line to Washington DC, taking as the text Numbers 23:23, ‘What hath God wrought.’ Several Congressman observed the process.
Morse message.png
1930 Amy Johnson flew solo from England to Australia. Look closely below. KLM named one of its jets for her. That is more than Qantas has done.
KLM Amy Johnson.jpg
1978 Management consultant Marilyn Loden referred to a ‘glass ceiling’ to describe an invisible barrier to the careers of women.
Marilyn Loden.jpg
2015 Dublin, Human Rights: Despite clerical opposition, a referendum on same-sex marriage passed with 62% of votes for yes.
Ireland2-gay vote5.png