25 February

1862 Philadelphia, Economy: The first United States paper money was issued. Because of its green colour it quickly became known as the greenback. Heretofore banknotes had been just that notes issued by particular banks. The Government had minted coins (hard money) and issued warrants that could be converted into gold at banks.
1904 Dublin, Literature: J. M. Synge’s ‘Riders to the Sea’ premiered. It is a one-act tragedy famed for its poetic language in which the waters give and take the lives of the fisherman and their folk.
Riders to the sea.jpg
1956 Moscow, Politics: In a secret speech to the Twentieth Congress of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, party chairman Nikita Khrushchev denounced Joseph Stalin’s reign of terror.
1964 Miami Beach, Sports: At a 3-1 underdog defeated reigning heavyweight boxing champion Sonny Liston and did so easily. That was Cassius Clay.
1965 Ottawa, Politics: The André Laurendeau and Davidson Dunton’s Royal Commission Report committed Canada to Bilingualism and Biculturalism. It morphed into Bilingualism and Multi-culturalism in short order. It was the first time the Federal government undertook to preserve French.