
Space Milkshake (2012) 

IMDb meta-data is a runtime of 1 hour and 25 minutes, rated 5.6 by 2012 cinemtizens.  

Genre: Sy Fy.

DNA: O’ Canada.

Verdict: Droll, irritating, amusing. 

Tagline: Beware the yellow rubber duck.

Dark Star Quark, Inc has the contract to collect near-earth space debris with its scow, the Regina, and a crew of four: Hobbit, Lana Lane, Mr Sulu, Major Carter, and that other guy.  I know that is five, but we never see but only hear Sulu because he is not a member of the crew.

Major Carter and Hobbit were an item, with no other alternatives, but now she wants someone taller.  New Boy (Five) comes straight from the Corner Gas school of acting, and bumbles around.  Lana keeps to herself, until….

Through their own inattention and incompetence they collect some trash that was…alive!  Not good.  Lana is the first to go, sort of.

There follows an hour of good natured confusion with a denouement.  Though the destruction of earth, inter-dimensional travel, the murder of Lana, artificial humans, and more are surfaced, none of these themes is developed. But the duck has its day!

Moreover, no one seems to mind that the android killed Lana.  Nor is there any explanation of the title.  

On the other hand it is so unpretentious that it is easy to like. No priestly voiceover to lecture the audience on its climate sins, no heroic posturing by a wannabe who isn’t waving a plastic gun, no boy genius with designer fuzz to save the day by adding 2+2….  It was not made to the Hollywood formula aimed at prepubescent boys with arrested development by prepubescent boys with arrested development.

It is compounded of a mixture of Star Gate, Star Trek, Quark, Dark Star, and, let us not forget Corner Gas.