Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes (2020) Dorosute no hate de bokura
IMDb meta-data is 1h and 10m, rated 7.3 by 8,900 cinematizens.
Genre: Sy Fy; Species: Time Travel (sorta).
DNA: Japan.
Verdict: Fun while it lasts.
Tagline: What’s 2-minutes among friends?

The owner of a very small cafe is surprised, then stunned, when he turns on the computer screen to see a video message from himself! From the 2-minutes in the future! What to do?
Well, Present-He does what Future-He tells himself to do, and inevitably the secret gets out to his cronies who usually gather after-hours at the cafe. Shenanigans ensue as they learn how to stretch that 2-minutes into ever more time. Ergo, it is not exactly time travel, because they are in the future and present at the same time. This duplication confuses both them and the viewer.
The shenanigans includes intercepting a payoff to gangsters who come looking for the dosh. All that excitement alerts the Time Police who also show up to put things right, but, well, by then things have gone pretty far…and some of the characters like it.
It zips along with high octane, leaving no time to question the origin of the first video and its follow-ups, which multiply from ever further in the future. Pedants need not apply.

Oh, and the reference to Droste cocoa powder governs proceedings. (Intriguing, no?)
There is lots of bumf in reviews about the technical aspects which left me cold, but the gist of it is that it was shot in a single take using a cell phone camera.