The National Archaeological Museum is all of Greece at once.
Crowded House.
The pervading scent was the dust on the stones.
The pervading scent was the dust on the stones.
I admit they do look a little bit like Thor from Star Gate.
Lord Elgin’s side of the story remains to be heard.
Acropolis Museum and New Acropolis Museum.
The new accommodates the past in Athens in many ways. Piraeus has several examples.
All I know about triremes comes from Wikipedia these days.
Plato’s Academy in the first hour.
My first goal in Athens was to find Plato’s Academy.
On the origins of the phrase “it’s all Greek to me,” see
There are seven things to see at Marathon, but they are too far apart to do on foot.
The 42.19 kilometer Marathon
I stood where Pericles stood.
The Pnyx had no tourists but us.
We have been to Wounded Knee in Wyoming. I have a dream catcher to prove it.
The Cimetière du Père-Lachaise of Ancient Athens
That lion is big.
Next stop Chaeronea