The Sound of My Voice (2012)

Après le gym I often pass through Civic Video on the way home. It is a short cut of sorts with some added benefits. The other day I saw ‘The Sound of My Voice’ on the shelf. It caught my eye because (1) there was only one specimen there and (2) the cover art was arresting. One of my criteria for considering a video is that it is not there in dozens of copies. Figure that out. For the cover art, have a look.
Sound of my voice.jpg
Once in hand I realized it was the same crew that made ‘Another Earth’ (2011) , and I was hooked. I have commented on ‘Another Earth’ in another post.
I watched ‘The Sound of My Voice’ the other night, and have no idea what to make of it. It is studied in its ambiguity and enigmatic in its approach, and I like that. Subtle, open-textured, mysterious, and in no hurry. That kept me interested. It seemed to me it was a variant, on a micro-budget, of ‘Contact’ (1997). In ‘Contact’ the aliens approach humanity in a surprising way. In ‘The Sound of My Voice’ the surprising contact is from the future….or is it? That is the ambiguity.
There are many discussions in the ether, e.g. IMDB, Rotten Tomatoes, Facebook and more.
Cut and paste this link to find it on The Internet Movie Data Base:
More importantly, there is a measured review from Roget Ebert, the greatest, at
Better yet see it for yourself. It will leave you thinking and it is a vote against Hollywood. Two good things there.