29 November

1803 The Louisiana Purchase agreement was signed. It included all of six states: Arkansas, Missouri, Iowa, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, and parts of eight more: Minnesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, New Mexico, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado and Louisiana. Nearly doubling the area of the country. The purchase was opposed by some Senators and Representatives whose names are now forgotten.
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1935 Physicist Erwin published his famous thought experiment ‘Schrödinger’s cat’, a paradox that illustrated the problem of the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics. To observe is to alter.
1948 The first mass-produced Australian car, the Holden FX, rolled off the assembly line in Melbourne. The automobile industry has been a child of the tariff wall and thereafter a political football.
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1949 Chang Kai-Shek’s Nationalist regime left mainland China for Taiwan and stayed. Kate’s mother once sold a pup to Madame Chang. True fact.
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1972 Atari released Pong, the first commercially successful video game. More came.