1 March

1867 Lincoln, History: Nebraska became the 37th state. Its border were slightly amended in 1882 to follow the Missouri River in the north east.
1873 Ilion (New York), Technology: Eliphalet Remington began production of a typewriter. Remington and his sons had produced firearms for the Union Army during the Civil War, and then sewing machines. In 1872 Remington purchased the patent (79,265 from Christoper Sholes) for a Type-Writer with which a skilled operator could produce text faster and clearer than a person could do in long-hand. It had the QWERTY layout of keys as does my IMAC keyboard purchased a year ago.
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1921 Forty-one year old E. M. Forster embarked on a sea voyage to India. He distilled the experiences and observations of that trip into ‘A Passage to India’ (1924). No reader ever forgets Adela’s visit to the Marabar Caves.
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1975 Sydney, Technology: Colour television broadcasting began in Australia when James Dibble read 7 pm news on the ABC. I probably saw it but the memory is gone. But I pine for the day when news readers read the news without editorial eyebrows, adverbs, and adjectives to let the viewer know their oracular judgements. I never did know what Dibble thought and we were both happy with that.
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1977 The Bank of America began issuing VISA cards. Got mine. It had been issuing credit cards in its own name but wanted something more suited for an international clientele without the need for an account at the Bank of America.
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