15 February

1764 St Louis, History: French explorer Pierre Leclède founded a trading post on the Mississippi River. He had travelled upriver from New Orleans. Leclède’s landing marks the spot where The French roots of St. Louis began.
1879 Washington, D.C., History: Belva Lockwood petitioned for the right to practice before the Supreme Court and the Court accepted her. She had completed a law course at the National (now George Washington) University. She was the first woman to argue before the Supreme Court.
1903 Brooklyn, Commerce: Morris Michtom advertised for sale two stuffed toy bears, which he called Teddy Bears after TR, who had consented to this name as part of his campaign to increase awareness of wildlife and its habitat. (The irony is that TR himself was a murderous hunter.)
Teddy Bear.jpg
1943 Chicago, History: Rosie the Riveter appeared in a ‘We can do it!’ poster on the walls of Westinghouse plants. The purpose was to encourage women into war work.
2001 London, Science: The first draft of the complete human genome was published in Nature magazine.
Human Genome, Nature, 2001-2.jpg