Ladies Crave Excitement (1935)
IMDb meta-data is 1 hour and 13 minutes runtime, rated 6.1/10.0 by 76 cinematizens.
Genre: krimi, comedy
Verdict: slam bam!
With the opening credits it starts with a bang and picks up speed from there. Norman is a newsreel cameraman come rain, fire, flood, shipwreck, earthquake, or even more serious calamities like the IRS. His editor tries to rein him in but is undercut by his executive secretary in several amusing byplays. He is the bad cop and she is the good cop, and everyone knows it.
Made to do penance at a boring air show he ridicules a poor little rich girl who disrupts proceedings, only later to meet her incognito as a stable maiden. They team up to foil some racehorse dopers. Great fun follows.
Then it seems she has revealed his secret project to a rival, though in fact it was his rather confused and weak-willed but well-meaning assistant who did that. Great fun follows.
Loved the confrontation with the villains in the editor’s office. Loved the explanation of the assistant’s revelation. Loved the last scene that starts at the altar and ends…..
The connection of the title to the story, much to the disappointment of the fraternity brothers, is remote.
It is all so humane and sensible compared the simple-minded nonsense that Hollywood churns out now, made by and for prepubescent boys. The delightful everyman Norman Foster was a man of many parts, cinema star, stage actor, writer, director, and more. I recognised his voice from something but could not pin it down. Suggestions are welcome.