The Aztec Monster against the Humanoid Robot (1958).
(La momia azteca contra el robot humano)
IMDb meta-data is runtime treacle of 1 hour and 5 minutes, rated 2.5 by 2310 cinematizens.
Genre: Mexican.
Verdict: Seeing is not believing.
The bug-eyed mad German scientist Professor Thermomix whips up a half-man, half-machine robot that looked strangely like Chani, including the arthritic walk, from The Devil Girl from Mars (1954), discussed elsewhere on this blog. No Asimov Laws will limit this concoction, that is for sure. Why go to all that trouble? Because Thermomix programs this Chani-Clone to enter a cursed Aztec Tomb and steal the Jade Taco.
Not only is the tomb cursed but also it is guarded by a Lucha Libre champion dead-but-living Mummy.* Got it so far?
Turns out that Female Lead is the reincarnation of the undead but unalive Lucha Libre wrestler’s squeeze from a millennia ago, and she and Suave, her paramour, get mixed up in the doings. I know I was mixed up by the doings.
It just shows to go that Z-movies can be made everywhere and not just in Dallas. Move over Larry Buchanan. This exercise had spawn south of the Rio Grande in The Curse of the Aztec Mummy (1959), Wrestling Women vs the Aztec Mummy (1964), Wrestling Women vs. the Murderous Robot (1969), and Mil Mascara vs the Aztec Mummy (2007). These titles are hard to find, but be assured that I am looking far and wide.
A good Mummy franchise will never die. But again the fraternity brothers ask, ‘Where are the Daddys?’
*Have you ever wondered where Lucha Libre champions do in retirement? No, me neither, though I have suspicions of the physiotherapist who works me over.