IMDb meta-data is runtime of 1 hour and 26 minutes, rated 5.0 by 2321 cinematizens.
Genre: Sy Fy
Verdict: Cheap and nasty.
Near a secret research laboratory men are dying…of cardiac arrest…after sex. Time to send in a top agent who flashes his way into the library. Cheap.
One of the best moments is a town meeting dominated by the beer-swilling bully. Seems realistic to me.
That top agent orders a pizza delivered while his new girlfriend is nearly raped. Nasty. He comes in time to beat up the three drooling NRA members, and another guy to keep in practice.
The body count rises, but we see more deaths, than agent man is aware off, and he never does catch on. S l o w.
By accident cosmic rays have turned the women at the laboratory into queen bees who seduce men into drones. In the middle is a tedious documentary about bees to add to the pace. Not.
The film has hints of lesbianism, women’s liberation, Amazon warriors, safe sex, and stupidity to go with the sexploitation.
For a comparison seen Roger Corman’s Wasp Woman (1959), though truth to be told those wasps were bees in disguise.