Cloak without Dagger (1956)
IMDb meta-data is runtime of 1 hour and 9 minutes, rated 5.6 by 126 cinematizens.
Genre: Spy
Verdict: energetic

Post war a woman sees a man she encountered during the war and knows to be a spy. Impetuously she sets out to tackle him with the subtlety of sledgehammer. She is aided by a hotel house detective who is comic relief, well, comic anyway, and also a former boyfriend counter spy. The boyfriend is too good to be true, but is.

The spy is after the plans — is it always plans? — of an atomic-powered tank, which mercifully we never see. Ever reliable West Australian Allan Cuthbertson plays a by-the-book soldier toward the end. Cuthbertson had served the RAAF during the war in Air Sea Rescue in the Solomon Islands and New Guinea campaigns. After that playing solider must have been a lark.
I rather hoped the title indicated a bit more wit than slapstick, but not to be.