The Cat of Baskervilles (2018) by Vicki Delany
GoodReads meta-data is 309 pages, rated 3.96 by 1395 litizens.
Genre: VIG (Vogue + IKEAA + Gourmet) does not a krimi make.
Verdict: Zzzzzzz

I took the plunge and persisted because of the cute title but found page after page of description of clothes, furniture, and food, giving up at 25% of the catalogue per the Kindle because little of interest had happened among all that padding. There was no development in the characters or the plot but the surface of Vogue + IKEAA + Gourmet. Marching through an IKEA maze would be more challenging and interesting than reading on, so I quit. Be warned.
For some time I did not bother to write notes about books I put aside, but then found I returned to them by mistake. I might be tempted again by this cute title unless I remembered it (or had notes on it in the Book Collector app) so I started to write notes, and once written to post them.