The Hound of the Baskervilles (1984)
IMDb meta-data is runtime 1 hour and 45 minutes, rated 8.0 by 4727 cinematizens.
Genre: Sherlockiana.
Verdict: Inert.
Hound of the Baskervilles (1983)
IMDb mea-data is runtime 1 hour and 40 minutes, rated 6.6 by 1129 cinematizens.
Genre: Sherlockiana.
Verdict: Foggy.
The Hound gets another workout in this misty production with little to remember from it.

Ian Richardson as Holmes is condescending and superior. Donald Churchill plays Watson as Nigel Bruce without the avuncular charm. Brian Blessed injects some energy into a still life of a movie.
The major characters of The Moor and The Hound are obscured by the fog machine run amok.
But notice this, in Holmes’ study at Baker Street 221B there hangs on the wall near the door a picture that seems to be of a Turk in uniform. A very similar picture is to be seen in many episodes of the Jeremy Brett productions, including that of the Hound of 1988. I found myself more interested in this coincidence than in the narrative.