The Last and First Men (2020)
IMDb meta-data is a runtime of 1 hour and 9 minutes, rated by 6.7 by 3,400 cinematizens.
Genre: Sy Fy.
Verdicts: Unique, Fleeting.
Tag lines: The future calls… from Iceland via Yugoslavia. Answer now.
An audiobook with pictures accompanied by a moving musical score, together framing a desiccated narration by the androgynous Tilda Swinton. Ter text is passages from Olof Stapledon’s 1930 eponymous book.
Sounds odd because it is, but it works.

The monumental architecture is from Yugoslavia’s remnants. There is a list in the Wikipedia entry. While we have been to Croatia we did not see any of these in our brief sojourn.
I recently re-read Stapleton’s book. See my comments below.
At that time I came across references to this film and a trailer on You Tube but I was unable to find it except in blu ray version which was of no use to me. Then one night video-mining the SBS website there it was with a notice that it would soon be withdrawn — hence the word ‘Fleeting’ above — so I watched there and then. Glad I did.
Readers of the Murderbot Diaries know what ‘ter’ means. All others ….pay cash.