Egymilliárd évvel a világvége elött (TV Movie 1983) [see below]
IMDb meta-data is a runtime of 1 hour 2 minutes, rated 6.0 by 15 cinematizens.
Genre: Sy Fy
DNA: Magyar
Verdict: Meh
Tagline: Meh

A number of loosely acquainted scientists find their work running into the sand. Each has a different story – family quarrels, equipment failure, annoying intrusions, constantly ringing telephones, split infinitives, but all have the same effect of stopping their work. As a couple of them whinge about that they realise several others are likewise affected and they begin to see a pattern in it. The Universe is delaying their discoveries to save humanity from itself.
The production is lugubrious and the staging and acting soap opera level. Now my judgement is based on some very erratic subtitles so there is a considerable margin of error.

From a Russian novel but made and set in contemporary Hungary, though at one point a passport is visible with the CCCP cover. The title, according to Google Translate is Hungarian for ‘One Billion Years before the End of the World.’
There is not a single review on IMDb! The trolls missed this one, but I didn’t!