
Helga: A Human Requiem (2022) 

Meta-data is a runtime of 20 minutes, unrated because it is not listed on the IMDb. (Strange but true.)  

Genre: Sy Fy

DNA: Brazil.

Verdict: Olé!  

Tagline: A Love Story.

Amadeus Klein is a robotics genius, fated to live in a brutal military dictatorship, who takes army funding to develop mechanical warriors and diverts it into making a robotic simulacra of the women he loved, until soldiers killed her. 

Nearly silent, it conveys great emotion without a word. But it does make demands on the viewer to stick with it. Doing so certainly pays off. The sound track is, yep, a requiem from the enfant terrible Mozart.  

Helga is derived from Metropolis with a touch of Frankenstein thrown in. Tin face CGI though she is, she, too, has feelings.

A marvellous short film from Caio Alves and Gabriel Gadiman for Kinelux Studios.  It is on DUST and that is widely available. A one-minute trailer can also be found on the Kinelux Studios (São Paulo) website. I could not find many graphics in my two-minute search.