His name is Daniel.

The Glass Fortress (2016) 

IMDb meta-data is a runtime of 29 minutes, rated 6.9 by 24 cinematizens.  

Genre: Sy Fy.

DNA: France.

Verdict: Interesting. 

Tagline: My name is Daniel. 

In black-and-white, it starts at the end and backtracks. That gives it a zippy kickoff. Still photographs carrying the story. What follows is a free adaptation from Yevgeny Zamyatin’s novel We (1921).  It is accompanied by a marvellous soundtrack.  

I did find this couple too young and too happy in the beginning of the flashbacks. Smiling, cavorting, dancing does not mesh with the grey uniformity of the One State.  Well, that is nit-picking.  

It will remind viewers of La Jetée (1962) for its short, spare story in black and white, still photography, and also the retrospective take. A soundtrack carries it as much as in The First and Last Men (2020). It is far superior to the feature-length adaptation for West German television  production reviewed elsewhere on this blog. Check it out.