Paul (2011)
IMDb meta-data is runtime of 1 hour 44 minutes and rated 6.9 by 266,000 cinematizens.
Genre: Sy Fy.
DNA: Brit.
Verdict: Chapeaux!
Tagline: It’s evolution, Baby!

Two birthright nerds drive around southwestern USA to visit UFO sites: The Black Mail Box, Area 51, Devil’s Tower, Marfa Lights, Roswell, Cayuga, NM, and so on. They don’t blend in very well but…. Then they meet Paul. Only one of them faints.
Paul is indeed one of his kind.
It’s one for Sy Fyians with many references, bows, names, players, and references to other films in the genre, like The Big Guy, the men in black, and more. The plot ties everything up twice over. Grand!
A self-deprecating homage to the science fiction genre that zips right by unlike that dreadful A for Andromeda, which I cannot dislodge from my memory banks.