Repo Man (1984)
IMDb meta-data is runtime 1 hr 24 m, rated 6.9 by 40,000 cinematizens.
Genre: Confused.
DNA: Wanker.
Verdict: I wish I hadn’t.
Tagline: So what?

An introduction to the world of debt collectors, sub-species auto repossession, is a promise not delivered. If the word ‘f**k’ were deleted this would be a silent movie. Mercifully.
Regrettably, no such mercy was shown. The result is an adolescent effort to shock, one that achieves boredom in the first 20 minutes of repetition of the one-word dialogue. The Sy Fy twist is an aside that neither defines plot nor character, just bookends the pointless vulgarity.
I know, I know that IMDb rating is high. Worse, I know, Roger Ebert rated it highly, but, well, I don’t.