Warning from Space (1954) Uchûjin Tôkyô ni arawaru
IMDb meta-data is a runtime of 1 hour and 27 minutes, rated 4.7 by 1,200 cinematizens.
Genre: Sy Fy.
DNA: Japan.
Verdict: Faster then.
Tagline: The End is Nigh. (See above.)

Instead of using WhatsAPP the aliens arrive in person to deliver the bad news — The end of the world is coming. Arriving straight from a costume party, each alien is dressed in kites that give them the shape of starfish. This look puts the Japanese they meet off sushi. A national crisis follows.
These aliens have a Plan Nine and keep trying to warn humanity that a catastrophe looms. However, most of humanity is busy killing each over which end of an egg to break first, the big or little end. Both sides claim a divine commandment. This religious conflict over eggs is more important than planetary destruction. This latter part certainly seems realistic, an endless, bloody war over nothing.
The aliens come from a planet in the Solar System we never see because it always behind the Sun in a mirror orbit. That trope has been used in several other films. like Journey to the Far Side of the Sun (1959) and Another Earth (2011). (Ahem, anyone who did high school science knows that a concealed counter-orbit makes no sense. ‘Gravity, Baby.’ Gravity would reveal another planet’s existence. Got that?)

Japan is once again victimised by both the aliens and the rest of the world, but it perseveres, and finally there is global unity long enough to set all clocks to Tokyo standard time, and fire a barrage of missiles at the threat. Others have also dealt with this threat: When Worlds Collide (1951), The Day the Sky Exploded (1958), Meteor (1979), and Armageddon (1988). So far their combined efforts have been enough.
Whew. There follows another lecture on world peace, a mere nine years after the blood soaked epoch 1937-1945 led by Japan, then as now a victim. As if.