Cult or gang?

Chris McGillion, The Coffin Maker’s Apprentice (2024)

Good Reads meta-data is 288 pages, rated 4.0 by 2 litizens.   

DNA: Timor L’este.

Genre: Krimi.

Verdict: Assured. 

Tagline: Is a cult a gang?

Chis McGillion

There is trouble right there in Dili city and Vincintino Cordero sorts it out.  East Timor has one of the youngest populations of the world and youth gangs are one by-product of that lopsided demographic profile and skewed economy.  Some of these gangsters import and export drugs for fun and profit and when it seems a rival gang is cutting into the action, dead bodies proliferate.  

The drug connection is right up Cordero’s alley and so up and down alley’s he goes.Then the innocent apprentice gets caught up in things and it is a full court press.  


There is much high energy to-ing and fro-ing in Dili, and much cultural background that embeds the story in the time and place. 

It rattles along drawing in the usual crew to good effect.  

The author is a friend of mine.