
Wolf’s call (2019) Le chant du loup.

IMDb meta-data is runtime of 1h and 55, rated 6.9 by 22,000 cinematizens.

Genre: Thriller, Scifi elements.

DNA; Gallic.

Verdict: Well done, but why?

Tagline: here, hear.

The SciFi premise is that in the near future France is a superpower, and in the great tradition of such powers its armed forces go around the world shooting people and places up.  Hey, that sounds like reality.  

The action takes place on a super duper submarine where Hero is the sound-man.  No he doesn’t hoik amps. He is an acoustic warfare officer who listens to the waters.  There is a lot of technique in this that I liked.  Hero is good at this but he overthinks things and tries too hard to prove himself to skeptics and makes a mistake. Or so it seems.  I also liked the way the filing system played into this mistake.  Then there is the onboard computer that doesn’t work, because we’re over budget for operations. 

Things get tense and it is submarine against submarine.  It’s all about the nuclear option.  

There is a love interest for Hero who appears and then disappears.  Most of the players are adequate, but none outstanding, though I admit I found it hard to take seriously the popinjay admiral. 

Despite the setting, this one did not convey the cramped and compromised nature of the sardine can.  

Oh, and it is spoken (not dubbed) in English on the SBS version, which is interrupted by inane commercials.