Infiniti (2022)

Infiniti (2022)

IMDb meta-data is 6 episodes of 52 minutes each, rated 6.8 by 403 cinematizens.

Genre: Sy Fy, Species: Strange.

Verdict: I gave up

Tag Line: Shoot ‘em up!

The mystery was intriguing until I realised it was not going anywhere, and the mishmash descended into shoot ‘em with mysticism.  Remember the Blue Cowboy on the radio? No, well I do, so there.  

The Kazakhstan landscape was noteworthy but repeated so many times that I lost interest.  Likewise the Russian enclave(s) in the independent state of Kazakhstan were intriguing but just became an excuse for more mayhem and murder.  

Kazakstan Tourist Board official site

Indeed much of the four or five episodes I watched seemed like an adolescent’s effort to shock with the carnage as the sympathetic characters were eliminated one after another. It reminded me of Vera where everyone is evil except herself.   

It was hard to follow because it obeys the law of the thriller and jumps back and forth in time to disguise the plot holes.  Continuity errors were more obvious as when the French astronaut on the run in high desert appears in a new and clean uniform from the Wardrobe Department.

Finally there is the mystical Zoroastrian soup which made even less sense than everything else.  

For those viewers who must have shoot ‘em carnage try the evening news.