
Australiens (2014)

IMDb meta-data is 1 hour and 48 minutes runtime rated 5.9 by too few cinematizens 

Genre; Sy Fy; Species: Alien invasion.

DNA: Strine. 

Verdict: More!

Tagline: Banana benders unite.

Brizzy and then all of Third-World Australia (except Tasmania) comes under an alien attack. The rest of the world including the Democratic Republic of the Congo, sits back to watch.  

Strine, yer on yer own! (Except for Tasmania.)

But it’s personal for the lead howler of the pub band Titanium Turtles (occasionally, Turdles) and she fights back, screeching at the alien scum!

High energy! Breakneck pace! Laugh a vulgar minute! Part parody, part tribute, all fun. It’s lean and mean compared to the ponderous and pompous Blade Runner franchise. It is adolescent in its humour, lacking the subtle sophistication of Kath and Kim. What’s not to like. Note to self: Do not ride a bike during an Alien apocalypse, not even at the gym. 

Also 20+ minutes too long in an endless end to accomodate the crowd funders.

A labour of love made on a shoestring, I ate it up with a spoon. If it had a commercial release I missed it. More’s the pity.