
Absolutely Anything (2015)

IMDb meta-data is a runtime 1 hr and 25 m, rated 6.0 by 49,000 cinematizens. 

Genre: Sy Fy, sorta.

DNA: Brit Bruce Almighty. 

 Verdict: Absolute power bores absolutely. 

Tagline: More dog!

Blessed and cursed with absolute power by an astro-genie, Hero takes a long time to realise what is going on, and then fumbles the ball.  It is a frenetic race from one gag to another, and then to its undoing.  

There are pleasures, but they are few.  Loved the ice queen BBC book reviewer who hates books and never reads, but makes and breaks the careers of writers.  All too easy to believe.  

The talking dog was one joke that went on…far too long.  But for being loquacious there is too little of the dog, though it finally does save the day (and the world), but not the film.   


Rather think some of the players had stern words with the agents that committed them to this film.   

In this fluff our hero does not make a deal with the devil, he has absolute power conferred on him as a lab-rat test.  He sacrifices nothing for it, and gains little from it.  Ergo, what’s the point?