Aliens & GUFORS (2017)

IMDb meta-data is a runtime of 1h and 29m, rated 5.8 by 113 cinematizens.

Genre: Sy Fy.

DNA: Yankee.

Verdict: Goofy fun. 

Tagline: Follow your dream (over the cliff).

A twenty-something computer whiz, a physics major, and an MBA team up to run a business: Global Unidentified Flying Object Research and Services in Flat Rock on the Mojave desert of the USA.  They soon become a magnet for all manner of nut cases and comic relief for the townsfolk. 

Japanese lanterns, balloons, mirror reflections, cloud, and vapour, all are dutifully examined, while the testimony of a string of people who have sighted aliens, swapped recipes with them, been abducted and rejected, parade before their video camera.  

Misadventures follow as they try to deal with a vexatious landlord, romance some local girls, deal with smog-mouth (figure it out), puzzle over the string of code that appears on the computer attached to their satellite dish.  Oh, and watch the sky day-and-night.


I found it diverting with likeable players, and some fine moments, e.g., when Bo talks about the telephone call that was never made.  

 A Gen-X version of OVNI(s) from France, reviewed elsewhere on this blog.