Edmund Crispin, Holy Disorders (1945).
Good Reads meta-data is 272 pages, rate 3.64 by 1640 litizens.
Genre: krimi.
DNA: Brit.
Verdict: Once is enough. More than.
Tagline: Yes, there is more, and more, and more.

An egotistical Oxford don spouts literary quotations alternating with Dad jokes as a complex, convoluted, and confused plot slowly unfolds, very slowly, consisting of fantastic twists and unbelievable turns. I could not decide whether to call it tedious, trying, or tiresome. Maybe the whole trifecta!

It strives to be humorous but stops short at annoying. The first chapter which I read on a Kindle sample was amusing and so I took the bait, but the air went out immediately after that. It is the second in a sequence of ten or so but this one is enough for me. More than….