Here is the PowerPoint file on Leaders, leadership, and us. It is a link to You_Tube.
Best wishes.
Michael Jackson
Government and International Relations
Author: Michael W Jackson
Welcome to GOVT3993
Click on the icon below to see a message of greetings to students enrolled in GOVT3993 in 2009.
GOVT6301 Continuing the Endgame
This post is for those who completed GOVT6301.
If they wish to maintain a dialogue with each other, they may do so by posting to this entry. I offer it as a service in reaction to comments about missing the opportunity to engage with each other when the unit ends. If it is used, I will leave it. If not, I will delete it.
Please note that the blog is published and anyone can read it.
Greetings to new students in Government.
A statement of welcome and best wishes to students starting Government in 2009.
Welcome to IVth Honours Students 2009
Icaria at Corning in Utopian Iowa
The school was orignally built for another community. When that community failed it was given to the Icarians and moved to Corning. There were three subsequent moves and that explains the mystery of the moving school.
The Icarians who went west from Nauvoo settled in Corning Iowa on the Nodaway River.
Arcosanti, Utopia in the desert
The Plan is everything, or is it?
Utopia in the desert.
Greeley Colorado on Utopia Road
Greeley Colorado Utopia Road leads through Greeley Colorado and the Union Colony. I mispoke and said Union College when I meant Colony. Is there a Dr Freud in the house?
Utopia? Yes and no. Buxton and Brown
Race and utopia and more race and reality.
Amana, the business of utopia thrives.
More of utopia road.