Those good old days! Before Dawkins. (Don’t know what a Dawkins is? Hit google for “John Dawkins.”)
Continue reading “Then and now: the working day, the working week.“
Things have changed … slowly, for the better.
Those good old days! Before Dawkins. (Don’t know what a Dawkins is? Hit google for “John Dawkins.”)
Continue reading “Then and now: the working day, the working week.“
The top three for this visit were (1) Shangri-La, (2) Pacific Aviation Museum, and (3) Waiklele Premium Outlets. Each is recommended.
We kept a travel diary on this trip, as we always do, but it now competes for input with Kate’s blog
and mine
Not to be out done, Julie also blogged their part of the excursion
We have been here many times before, yet there reamin many new things to see and do.
We are taking another winter vacation in Waikiki.
Classrooms are at a premium.
As long as it is unconventional, radical, and daring, that long shall I wear neckties!
The time has come to address the neck tie.
I knew it would come to this one day, and that day is now, not nigh.
When I admitted to being a reader, the door opened!
“Are you a reader?”
Should one admit to being a reader? That is the question.
Without a narrative context all One Day cricket has to offer is the show, and Twenty20 is far better at that.
Yes, Bleaders, I have something to say about this, too.
Too many policies are pursed on the basis of exaggeration and overstatement, call that sensationalism.
I keep going on about the dangers of passion.
Apologies. There has been some difficulty in editing this piece. It got truncated when it loaded and the paragraph breaks, twice reinserted, do not work. I have put in dotted lines to break up the text into paragraphs since carriage returns to create blank lines does not seem to work now.
I offered my arguments for plod over passion awhile back. Bleader, if you missed it do not pass Go until you have. It is on 12 August 2008. Click here