Race and utopia and more race and reality.
Author: Michael W Jackson
Amana, the business of utopia thrives.
More of utopia road.
Welcome to GOVT6301
Welcome to Government and International Relations in 2009
A few words of greeting and orientation for students new to Government and International Relations. Click the link to You Tube and have a look.
Continue reading “Welcome to Government and International Relations in 2009“
Leaders, leadership, and us
Finding room Merewether 397
Nauvoo and the Icarians
The “c” word cannot be spoken.
Another thrilling episode of Utopia Road!
Ètienne Cabet and Icaria(s)
The “c” word is almost never used in reference to utopian communities in the United States, though a great many of them practiced it. “What is the ‘c’ word?” I hear you ask. Pay attention! It is “communism.”
Patient readers will find a short video at the end of the text. Do the reading first and come to the video prepared to discuss the assignment!
Congratulations to IVth Honours students 2008
Some words of congratulations to those who have completed IVth honours in 2008.
Continue reading “Congratulations to IVth Honours students 2008”