These days to tell a student that Plato was an idealist condemns him to utter irrelevance.
Chapter Eleven: Eidos.
The Philosopher Monarchs.
The Philosopher Monarchs.
These days to tell a student that Plato was an idealist condemns him to utter irrelevance.
Plato and Aristotle on King Street, Newtown.
What can a mere mortal say about Plato.
What is worse is that Socrates proposed ridiculous ideas like the equality of women!
Life, meaning, and death.
Continue reading “Chapter Nine: Enter Socrates and exit Sol.”
Thucydides is a great, but a serious reader should also try Donald Kagan’s four volume study of the war.
The war that never ends continues.
I replied to the questions in a recording which is attached
I had an inquiry from a research centre on campus about the use of the blog for teaching and research.
Continue reading “Using the blog for teaching and research.”
Forced to be free.
Over the years I have accumulated mementoes from students.
The war that never ended took a turn for the worse at Melos.
Celebricrats are famous for being famous, and nothing else. It is not about talent or achievement.
If the celebrities are leaders, who are their followers? And why?
Heretofore I preferred SBS news because it was crisp, moved fast to cover the ground in the time available so that there was no time for journalistic pontificating. I also thought there was a little more restraint in SBS News, and a little less advocacy than on the ABC.
Journalists have long since given up reporting facts and letting viewers and readers draw their own conclusions.