A Holmes family reunion.

The Lantern’s Dance (2024) by Laurie King 

Good Reads meta-data is 300 pages rated 4.54 by 759 litizens. 

DNA: Holmes (attenuated).

Tagline: … [can’t think of anything].

Verdict: Number 18 in the series and it shows.  

Mr and Mrs Holmes of Baker Street are at it again. Mary Russell may be Mrs Holmes, but the absent and deceased Irene Adler remains the love of Holmes’s life, now personified in a son from that brief and sinful liaison. Holmes has to rescue Son and then Son has to rescue father.  Then Mary Russell has to explain it all to them.  

Despite the turbans and lascars inconspicuously getting up to no good in rural Provence, this is a Holmes family reunion. And like most family gathering where the participants have nothing in common but blood, it is b-o-r-i-n-g.

To bring the generations together several laws of nature are set aside.  The plot is a kaleidoscope that must have been worked out by Barry Jones in one of his maze flow charts.  Turns out Holmes is Indian or Sikh, a Swami, or something. Dunno lost the plot. There is very little detecting and much musing.  

Ahem, I can’t let that high score on Good Reads pass without a comment. I wonder if number 19 in this series appeared as 200 blank pages, would it get a similar rating. The author has a loyal following that sees what it wants to see. This book will not add any new adherents to that happy crew.  

Margarita makes an appearance

The Master and the Margarita (1967 [1928+]) by Mikhail Bulgakov (1891-1940)

Good Reads meta-data is 320 pages rated 4.29 by 364,380 litizens 

Genre: Fantasy, satire

Tagline: The devil you say! Yes, I do. 

Verdict: Trip without arrival.

A conversation in public park between two savants – one a pompous professor and the other a prosperous poet- is interrupted by a distinguished gentleman who intrudes to correct an assertion the professor made, namely that there was not an historical Jesus. Oh yes, says the interrupter, there was and proceeds to recount Pontiac (spellchecker bite) Pilate’s interview of this man, a telling that does not quite accord with the gospels, but these, according to the professor, are indeed fiction. But the gentleman named Woland insists his account is true, because he witnessed it!

Thus the pair suppose Woland to be a lunatic. But we readers, thanks to the blurb, know better.  He’s a charming devil and that is the literal truth.  In the translation I read, there are many references to the devil and to god.  How did that sit with the Comrades at the time, I wonder. Had they not yet become godless communists?

The stories thereafter proceed in parallel as we find out more about Pilate and witness the superficial corruption of the new approved artistic elite of Moscow who are beguiled by prestidigitator Woland whose entourage include a large talking cat with a taste for vodka and a witch with a Boeing broom stick for flight. 

The Master and Margarita (the Qantas broom stick was late arriving) only enter in the second act and through many trials and tribulations (see above) they achieve a certain kind of survival in limbo, resonant of Dante’s Purgatorio.   

The book has a varied and vexed publication history.  It was written over a period of years, and in regime thaws parts of it were published with heavy censorship, while several samizdat versions came and went, but it was not until 1967 the version I have was published.  I read this same version shortly after publication as a student and recall liking it, although on this reading I found the string of incidents tedious since there seemed to be no purpose but the string itself.

Titanium Noir

Titanium Noir (2023) by Nick Harkaway 

Good Reads meta-date is 236 pages, rated 4.06 by 4,705 litizens.

Genre: Sy Fy.


Verdict: Enough, already! 

Tagline: All show, no go. 

Our hero gets caught between the Titans and, well, other Titans.  These titans really are big, and one can only become a titan with the wealth of an Arab oil sheik.  Think of them as bodybuilders on the ultimate steroid. They are the 1% who own the government, police, media, and ….  When one of them is murdered, who you gonna call?  Someone who can’t say no, that’s who: a Tiny investigator with gum on his shoe and chip on his raincoat shoulder.

The murdered Titan was an odd ball, even, or especially for a Titan, and Investigator spends a lot of time and adds to the body count unravelling the deceased’s past.  How did such a schomo get to be a Titan?  And what was he up to once he became?  And what does cage fighting have to do with it? All good questions.

The plot is outlandish, to say the least, but the pace, the dialogue, my curiosity kept me reading, but – warning – the author seems to think ‘noir’ means keeping the reader in the dark. Much of the dialogue is cryptic and incomprehensible. There are pages and pages of pointless banter filling out the bulk. Passing points are laboured and pivotal plot points flash by.    

Nick Harkaway

It is sold as noir but I would say it is more nihilism than noir. Part of a series, but this one is probably enough for your reader to ingest (but not digest).  

The Human Comedy goes on

Balzac as He Should be Read (1946) by William H. Royce

Good Reads meta-data: it is listed without any details. It has 48 pages.

Tagline: Useful.

Verdict: A gem.  

A retirement project I once had in mind was to read in sequence Honoré de Balzac’s La Comedie humaine. I made a false start more than a decade ago and got bogged down in one of his novels that was epistolary, letters between two sisters, which was boring. He must have needed the francs per word and spun it out.  The reading I did then was in publication order, which is not the sequence in which his grand comedy of life fits together. 

The difficulty at that time was compounded because the Rocket e-Book reader of the day did not make it easy. The text was there but not word wrapped on the screen.  That made a considerable difference to my surprise. Moreover the only available digital editions were out of copyright Victorian translations that were censored and stilted

To begin anew, I needed a kick start, and this little book did it.  In case a reader does not realise why a spark-plug is needed, please note that more than ninety (90) stories comprise the whole, and many of those are full-length novels. Balzac was a Niagara of words. 

The complete Human Comedy in translation.

Royce offers three suggestions about how to immerse oneself in Balzac’s waters.  One is to read in publication order as I tried. Royce himself rejects this because in subsequent editions, Balzac manipulated the sequences to suit the growth and interaction of the 2,450 characters he created on the page.  The time of publication did not coincide with the overall narrative which grew in all directions, including backward.  Ergo to read a novel published in 1840 set in 1840 before one published in 1842 with many of the same characters set in 1830 when they were younger convolutes the narrative in favour of the publication date.  Balzac often birthed characters at age 30 or 40, and then later went to back to them when they were younger.  Eugène de Rastignac appears in nearly thirty of his novels at different ages.  Needless to say these thirty were not published in chronological order of Rastignac’s age. (See Anthony Pugh, Balzac’s Recurring Characters [1974] for pedantic detail.)

Second is by the order of events dated in the novels and stories and this he offers to the reader with the gargantuan appetite for the whole.  Let it be noted that Balzac is largely consistent on dates within each novel and refers to an event or person that can be dated in nearly every story.

Willian H Royce

Third, embedded in that chronological list Royce bolds the titles of twenty novels that he deems the core of the Comedie humaine.  That is a much more digestible banquet, and since long ago I read The Chouans, Père Goriot, the Wild Ass Skin, The Unknown Masterpiece, and Cousin Bette which were included in that twenty, I had a running start with this selection.  Assuming those six I went to Amazon to find a Kindle version of the next novel: Une Ténébreuse Affaire. It has many titles in English but none are available for Kindle. 

While confirming that absence, Amazon began besieging me with other titles, and I bit on one which I will comment on later.  Suffice to say here that it is a biography (not of Balzac) but of seven of his principle characters. It was an intriguing idea and I have started on it to my satisfaction. More on this later, if you are good.

Personal indulgence. The first Balzac title I read was Père Goriot in high school for an AP World Literature class. The other Balzac’s I read in college for a similar class. What do students read today in high school classes?  Comments welcome.   

I went through Maison de Balzac in 1980, but all I can remember is that there was a secret backdoor through the rear garden that he used to escape the creditors and bailiffs when they came in the front door, usually by kicking it in. He moved around a lot and used false names to elude debt collectors who were legion.

Royce’s long out print book came into my hand thanks to Katester’s perspicacious insight in making it a Christmas gift. 

Double Cross 1944

Double Cross 1944 (2012) by Ben McIntyre. 

GoodReads meta-data is 399 pages, rated 3.97 by 12,264 litizens.

Genre: History.

Tagline: Believe it or not!

Verdict: Quite a story.

Operation Fortitude incorporates the many elements that went into the effort to deceive Germans about the site for the opening of a second front in Western Europe.  The six double agents described in this book were the lynchpin of the Operation, but other parts were crucial to create a mutually supportive house of cards.  

As one of the British instigators of the Operation said, we only have to convince one German, Hitler, and he will order all others to obey.

It should be borne in mind that the deception continued well past D-Day to cause Hitler to hold German army reserves in place – for more than month into July.  

The deception stood on two legs.  First, was an inflation of Allied troops in Britain to take part in an invasion and second was the locale of the invasion.  These two interacted as will be explained below. Stay tuned. 

The aim of the inflation of the forces available (men, armour, and air) was to lead the Germans to the conclusion that there would be a major diversionary attack, followed by the real thing.  To make that credible it had to appear that the Allies had 80 or more army divisions in Britain. (A full strength division would field between 10,000 and 15,000 or more troops, capable of sustained tactical warfare.  The Allied divisions would be full-strength, while by 1944 many of the German ones were at half-strength.)  With forces of this magnitude a diversionary attack could be 20-30 divisions, leaving a 50 or more for the real thing. The diversion, which by definition would be first, could involve as many as 250,000+ soldiers. I’ll come back to the magic that did this inflation below.

Second, as to locale, the important thing was to sow confusion and cause the Germans to split their forces. Several prospects were mooted from Norway (to link with the Soviets in the north) and then bring Sweden into the war, to the Bordeaux region of France (with part of the forces to attack this latter area sailing directly from the United States, as had done the army that landed in North Africa in November 1942), and the Marseilles area using North Africa as a base, as well as the obvious choice: the Pas de Calais. The goal was not to convince them it was one of the other, but to foster uncertainty about which.   

The inflation of Allied forces centred on the fictitious FUSAG – First United States Army Group in South eastern England commanded by General George Patton who was much in evidence as though inspecting troops, supervising preparations, briefing officers, enthusing men, and so on. He was the star of a one-man show.

Around him was an army of illusion of a mere 40,000. Equipment, tents, tanks, trucks, aircraft, ships – moved around him for German aerial reconnaissance photographs.  Many were props supplied by London stage magicians, movie studio carpenters, and their ilk to create an illusion. Many of vehicles were painted balloons, the barracks were roofs only, the tents were dyed sheets, the ships moored here and there and occasionally moved were plywood facsimiles. All this activity by Patton’s 40,000 was to simulate 500,000 men or more.

Meanwhile, the South East corner of England buzzed with US Army radio traffic. All fictional but most of it contrived on the assumption that the Germans would hear it.  

Most of the effort went into focussing in everything but word on the Pas de Calais zone, but a secondary effort of the same kind was aimed at Norway.  

The double agents reaffirmed much of this with reports on unit badges of fictitious formations and sightings of important generals, and Churchill himself once. Eisenhower had a second fictitious HQ in the area in which he never set foot, yet streams of radio messages went in and out of it, as did dispatch riders on motorbikes who roared through the local villages sporting phoney unit badges on their shoulders.

As to locale, the greater the spread of possibilities the better. To confirm an attack on Norway, the exiled King of Norway was much seen along Scotland’s east coast, where the many ships of the Norwegian merchant marine assembled. To salt the idea of Marseilles an actor imitating General B Montgomery visited Gibraltar where it was carefully arranged that he should be seen by a well known German spy, a Spanish police officer.  

Likewise, reconnaissance flights and bombing missions concentrated on the Pas de Calais and Norway, but Bordeaux and Marseilles were also hit. The latter were each bombarded by the Royal Navy at times. 

Meanwhile, the French resistance became very active in the Pas de Calais area, and the Norwegian resistance left a trail of activities that could only be mapping, charting, and sounding inlets and bays for amphibious landings. 

Another thread to this tapestry of lies was that an armada was being prepared in the USA and Canada for direct transportation to Bordeaux. German agents in the USA, most double agents for the US, reported all manner of preparation in harbours from Norfolk to Boston and Halifax. That was compounded by indiscrete planted news items concerning troops and generals.  The closing of harbours, the heavy security around fenced off military bases (which were mostly empty), the stockpiling of foodstuffs and equipment.  This latter would evidently make its way to Normandy, but at the time the hint was that it was Bordeaux bound. 

In order to freeze the German strategic reserve in place, the deception continued after D-Day. To preserve their credibility, the double agents made carefully timed reports that implied that there would be a landing at Normandy but that it would be diversionary.  In this case, as in all others the reports did not flatly say that but rather scattered clues in the text, allowing the German analysts to connect the dots, which they did. 

Did all of this intelligence, creativity, effort, and risk work?  Yes.

The 15th Panzers stayed in reserve at Calais for a month after 6 June, waiting for the real invasion to strike there. By the time it was deployed the Allied foothold was secure, Allied force was dominate, tactical airpower was overwhelming and immediate from airfields in France. The Germans could not travel roads in daytime such was the blanket of tactical airpower, so they drove at night. But where?  

French Resistance twisted around road signs between Pas de Calais and Normandy. The Germans had erected their own road signs, and these were moved around rather than destroyed, so they looked right but were wrong.  More than one unit of artillery, tanks, or infantry followed the signs into a marsh or bluff.  

All the while a highly trained mountain army of 250,000 Germans remained in Norway, waiting for the real invasion. Likewise, half of the German troops in France remained concentrated in the south in anticipation of a Mediterranean landing.

That one person who had to believe the lie was Hitler, who had been telling the generals for months that the attack would be at Pas de Calais since (1) it was closest to England and for that reason had been used by Henry V and William the Conqueror for their invasions and (2) it had a deep water harbour with good rail connections and was close to the best harbour in northern Europe at Antwerp.  Since Hitler, like all weaklings, could never admit to being wrong, he stuck firmly to that thesis for more than month – nursed along by the misinformation which continued after D-Day, and he held that powerful panzer force for the real invasion to come at Pas de Calais, despite the pleas of the generals facing the invasion. 

As the deception unfolded in May and June, MI5 had confirmation that it was working. That came partly from intercepted German radio traffic (which Bletchley Park had cracked long ago, RAF reconnaissance photographs, reports by resistance groups in Norway, Belgium, and France.  But the most authoritative source was Hitler himself!  Huh?

It seems that he had a particular liking for Baron Oshima, the Japanese ambassador to Nazi Germany, himself a Germanophile who spoke the language fluently and who was an ardent fascist. Though quite how Hitler squared that with his birthright racism and his aversion of close contact with anyone who was not a servile subordinate remains a mystery. Oshima must have been one smooth operator.

Oshima was also a good listener, as many diplomats are, and he often had private tête-à-têtes with Hitler who spoke freely and in some detail to this trusted associate. And I mean private, just the two of them. 

Oshima on the left

As well as a good listener, Oshima also had a prodigious memory and was a conscientious official who, after every meeting with Hitler, would transcribe the conversation and radio it to Tokyo. These reports sometimes ran to 20 or more pages. The US Navy had broken the Japanese diplomatic codes in 1941, and read Oshima’s reports each time. In them, even after 6 June, Hitler was positive that a real attack would come later at Pas de Calais, and told that to Oshima more than once in June and July and the baron passed it on to Tokyo.

Part of the reason for the success of Operation Fortitude was the corruption, incompetence, and internecine conflict among Nazi intelligence agencies. Ideological purity trumped competence. They were ready to undermine and denounce each other, either for personal gain or to out-Nazi each other in finding traitors under every bed, and so to save their own necks spymasters had to paper over every crack, double down on every assertion, and overstate the cases they were making to deflect this rivalry.  The effect was to cause German intelligence officers to emphasise the positive, and hide the negative from their murderous rivals.  Yes, I know it sounds like McKinsey management.  

While the Fortitude orchestra of deception played more or less from the same music, there were wild cards. There was one freelance interloper, who had offered his services to the Germans as a spy, claiming to have a network of twenty or more informants in Great Britain. These twenty were complete fantasy but the German foreign intelligence services combined being inept with a thirst for knowledge and they bought this lie.  This individual lived in the City of Spies that Lisbon became.

The Iberian fantasist just might, in spewing out nonsense, include Normandy. The Brits had tumbled on to him early on and let him run to sew confusion with the Germans, but now the stakes were both high and immediate. Should they continue to ignore him, or silence him (by kidnap or murder). In the end the decision was to let him continue so as to drown the Germans in information.  Though the Germans listened to this Iberian, they were somewhat skeptical because his reports were always much more explicit than the double agents the British were running. In short, his reports often seemed too good to be true, and also they did not have the confirmation of other activities as enumerated above, like aerial reconnaissance, fabricated radio traffic, body doubles, and the like.  

While the double agents risked their lives, most of their work was done in Lisbon or London sending back misinformation to their respective spymasters of things they and their fantasy networks of agents in Great Britain had seen or overheard.  However, one was kidnapped from Lisbon by the Gestapo and returned to Germany where he did not survive interrogation, but miraculously did not give away the plan. His arrest had to do with embezzlement not spying. He was crooked all the way around. 

While the double agents did their jobs, being chancers, odd balls, and worse, their British spymasters found them personally distasteful. The agents were certainly not ‘one of us’ from Cambridge.  This disdain often showed in their treatment of these assets.  One of the irritating qualities nearly all of them had, was the refusal to be bought. Money was not a means of control for any of them. They hated the Nazis, that was motivation enough. Most were pro-British even Anglophile, but there was one, who hated the Nazis, but did not love the British, and this annoyed her case officers constantly. She said sarcastically once, that she would not sing ‘Rule Britannia’ while listening to German officers’ loose lips in occupied Paris. This witticism drove her case officer into a paroxysm of temper, while she laughed in his face. When endangered she was abstracted from Paris and sequestered in a safe house in London for months to keep her cover intact. When her usefulness was at an end she was more or less literally turned out into the street and and charged back rent on the safe house to which she had been confined for months at a time. Such was the thanks of a grateful nation.

By the way ‘Double Cross’ did not refer directly to the deception, rather it was the roman numeral XX, and the committee that had hatched Operation Fortitude was Committee 20, there being 19 others. Of course, the designation Double Cross took on a second meaning as the event proceeded.   

Side note. While not wholly relevant to this story, I am reminded of the fact that Hitler liked bigger and better weapons, and one of those was the 70-ton King Tiger tank.  By contrast the Panther tanks that led the invasions of Poland and France weighed in at just under 9-tons. The King Tiger was indeed formidable and perhaps a hundred of these steel monsters reposed around Calais.  But once deployed they were their own worst enemy: They consumed twice as much fuel as any other German tank, had a commensurate short range between refuellings, were too wide for country roads and lanes in Normandy’s bocage, were too heavy for nearly all bridges in Northern France, and their ammunition was incompatible with other tanks.  They also presented Allied tactical bombers with big, slow moving targets if they moved in daylight. But they had shock absorbers and some kind of air conditioning for the crew who sat on leather covered seats. The result was that few of these behemoths contributed to the battles that followed.  They had been designed and built for the open plains of Hungary, Poland, Ukraine, Belorussia but Hitler had withdrawn from there to sit in France. Later they were not able to pass through the forest paths and roads in the Ardennes and did not have enough fuel during the Battle of the Bulge and many of them sat idly behind the lines. Such was the genius of Hitler. 


‘You’re the one,’ he said.

Agent ZigZag (2007) by Ben Macintyre

GoodReads meta-data is 364 pages, rated 4.13 by 17,490 litizens.

Genre: Biography.

DNA: Brit.

Verdict: Strange but true.  

Tagline: An Iron Cross, believe it or not. 

Eddie Chapman was a rough diamond who early discovered his talent for crime and honed it. He was a versatile criminal who burgled houses while the owner slept; he mastered the use of gelignite to open safes in businesses; drove cars into showroom windows to snatch fur coats and more.  He was handsome and had learned to affect the purple, though he had not been born to it, and anyone who had been would realise he wasn’t, but the veneer worked its magic often enough on others to sustain his career of crime.

With an accumulated fourteen years of imprisonment on his card, he broke bail and ran to the island of Jersey in the English Channel with Betty. He was 25 and she 19, terribly flattered by the attentions of this apparently wealthy man of the world.  As they dined in Jersey’s most expensive restaurant, he said to her ‘You’re the one.’  He had known quite a few women, but he meant what he said to Betty.  She was thrilled, but before his meaning could fully sink in, after a glance at the restaurant door where two beefy men in coats were entering, he said to her ‘I’ll be back,’ and then he leapt up from the dinner table and jumped out a nearby window, disappearing from her life it would have seemed.

Bergerac did catch him and put him in the local chokey while the legal wheels turned to extradite him to Old Blighty because Jersey has its own slow-moving legal system which is half French and totally amateur. It mattered not for no sooner did Eddie land in the slammer than the Germans landed on Jersey in 1940.  To get out of jail (and back to Betty) he decided to convince the Germans that he was on their side.  So began his years as a spy, counter-spy, and double agent.  

It took him months to convince the Germans that he hated the English who had jailed him, speaking a passable German (which he had learned from an earlier mistress), knew how to use explosives (from his safe blowing experience), he argued in schoolboy German that spy craft was but an extension of crime craft, evidence of his mastery of the latter was in the court and police records he had compiled. During this time he was first abused and used by the Gestapo, and then when he was accepted as an agent by the Abwehr he was wined and dined.  

After training he was parachuted into England on a mission of sabotage. He promptly turned himself into the police and explained the situation to the incredulity of the locals, but eventually MI5 took an interest. He had hoped to buy his freedom (from those fourteen years) with the information about the Abwehr he had memorised but instead he was soon blackmailed into becoming a double agent and going back to the Germans to plant disinformation. To do that the English had to convince the Germans he had succeeded in his missions to protect his cover when he returned. That is quite a story in itself. He was so successful, it was made to seem, that the Germans presented him with an iron cross, as above.  

The details that follow are many, and often boring. Yes, the life of a spy, even a double agent, consists of hours of sitting and waiting.

What is very clear, though the author has no interest in it, is the organisational dysfunction of both the British and German intelligence agencies.  First there are turf wars among them.  If he was an MI6 spy, then MI5 tried to undermine his credibility in preference to its own agents and if his credibility was unassailable, then MI5 tried to poach him from MI6 by overt or covert means.  Of such malfeasance knighthoods are born. And the clowns of SOE always wanted cannon fodder.

It was no different with the Germans. Worse even because in the chaotic German arrangements there were more players and few of them played by any rules.  Any Abwehr agent was suspect to the Gestapo, the SD, the RHSA, the SS, and so on and on in alphabet soup of murderous rivals. When in 1944 an enraged Hitler destroyed the Abwehr, and had murdered many of its agents from the top down, Chapman was spared because he had long been rusticating in Oslo which was beyond the immediate blast zone of Hitler’s wraith at the time.  

Another organisational insight that is more obvious on the German side, though relevant to the British, too, is the mutual dependence of spy and spymaster.  To establish his own importance the spymaster must have at least one successful spy. That means the spymaster is inclined to read success into the spy’s activities and to protect the spy from the critics and rivals. Both Ed’s English and German spymasters needed him to succeed for their own good.

Likewise, a rival spy master has an incentive to undermine the spies of another master, namely to shore up his own position in comparison: McKinsey management in the making with those Killing Performance Indicators. 

During Ed’s years of absence Betty had married another man, who was killed in the war, changed her name, and moved several times. Then one day in 1946 when she was having tea in a shop, Ed appeared at her side and said, ‘I told you I’d be back.’ He had hired a private detective to find her. Off they went never to be parted again, except by the plod, because he continued his life of crime.  By the way, the godfather to their first born was his German spymaster! 

He was the model for John Robbie in To Catch a Thief.

Shape shifting

Tony Hillerman, Shape Shifter (2006).

GoodReads meta-data is 276 pages, rated 4.03 by 9151 litizens

Genre: Krimie.

DNA: Navajo.

Tagline: The first shall be last.  

Verdict: School’s out. 

A neat plot buried under a weight of exposition.  The shape shifter idea is cleverly used, but it would have read better without fifty pages of explanation, comparison, and pedantry in the middle.   

Because of that expository snowdrift, the villain is, to this reader, undercooked.  Quite why such a master of malice as this would stoop to robbing a desert convenience store, or display and allow to be photographed for publication some of his ill gotten gains did not make sense.  Would Moriaty knock over a 7/Eleven?  Would Fantomas invite a journalist to photograph the stolen crown jewels and publish the picture?  

No 18 in the series.  

That is Broome, not broom.

The Widows of Broome (1950) by Arthur Upfield.

GoodReads meta-data is 256 pages rated 4.07 by 388 litizens. 

Genre: krimi.

Verdict: a slow start but a fast finish.

Tagline: Bony to the rescue!

Broome, WA (population 800) of 1950, once the capital of the pearl industry, has not yet recovered from the war years, but it is peaceful and stable until… Murder!

Two widows are strangled one after another over a fortnight.  No one seems much bothered though a considerable point is made that both were attractive women.  Had they not been attractive, perhaps there would have been no investigation at all.  What investigation is there?  The local plod, noble chaps to a man, cannot both keep their pencils sharpened for inspection and find the wily culprit who failed to leave finger prints, a calling card, or a self-addressed stamped envelope. Perth homicide detectives fly in to irritate and annoy everyone, but fail to scapegoat a local aborigine or Asian: A strange omission for this time and place. 

Pearling is a dangerous business, the Japanese bombed Broome, and many men went to war.  Consequently, there are other widows in Broome who may be in peril.  Their fears are barely noticed by plod who seems more focussed on a some cattle that have gone missing.  Finding a murderer is just too hard. 

There’s only one thing for it! Bony!  That is, Inspector Napoleon Bonaparte (whose name is never explained) arrives incognito.  As if!  In his three-piece suit, with theatrical manners, dark skin, Siberian husky blue eyes, and superior attitude, he is dead obvious to one and all, who politely feign ignorance to humour his colossal ego. He soon finds his only intellectual equal in the environs is the town drunk. (Really.) These two form a partnership of sorts. The drunk, being furniture, is never noticed by the locals but, since he sleeps most nights on a bench in the street, he sees and hears much which he passes onto Bony who in return supports his alcoholism.

Broome of the time is described by the numbers, not with the imagery that Upfield sometimes conjures. But in the last third, when most of the scene is nocturnal in the bushes, Upfield is at his best in making the time of night, the place, and expectation all characters in the drama. The book is a time capsule of the attitudes, mores, and opinions of the day about women, children, religion, aboriginal, Asians, alcohol, manly men, effete intellectuals, and more. Take that or leave it. 

When he started writing the Bony books, Upfield was travelling around Australia in a caravan working as a Jackeroo by day and typing his stories by kerosine lamp by night. His descriptions of many of these places, and the people who live there, are sometimes compelling, as is about the last third of this tale.  

This is number thirteen in a series that started in 1928 and ended in 1966 to a total of nearly thirty. They are set wherever he parked that caravan.

Homework for our forthcoming trip to the Kimberley Coast.

Lisbon 1938

Pereira Maintains (1994) by Antonio Tabucchi

Good Reads meta-data is 196 pages, rated 4.18 by 27,893 litizens.

Genre: Fiction.

DNA: Portugal.

Verdict: Pereira maintains.  

Tagline: What did Pereira do?  What will Pereira do?

It is the high summer in the Lisbon of 1938 Dr Pereira, editor of a minor literary page on a minor weekly newspaper, plods though life, obese, a widower, inward-looking, and slowly repeating each day the day before when by accident he comes across two young idealists out to save the world. 

Surprising himself, Pereira helps them with some small change, and then a few escudos, then a few more, and then shelters one of them, well two, because, from the shadows, a third emerges. Little by little he does more and more for them. 

It is neither a good time nor a good place to take even little chances.  Salazar’s regime is determined not to offend the great powers, starting with neighbour frenemy Spain then tearing itself apart in a savage civil war, nor the distant giant Germany still less Portugal’s historic ally Great Britain. To walk a fine line among these traps, the regime has given free rein to the Polícia Internacional e de Defies do Estado (PIDE), which encourages denunciations of anyone and everyone, and sure enough and soon enough Pereira is reported by a concierge who found his last Christmas tip inadequate, perhaps, thinking a new tenant would tip more.  Those young people hiding in his flat are exposed.   

The situation goes from bad to worse, but unlike most others, Pereira has a life boat. His night job has been translating French literature into Portuguese and this means he speaks French and has connections in France, so he packs a bag and scoots. Yes, we know this haven will not long be safe, but it is enough at the time.

Antonio Tabucchi

Pereira’s lonely and morbid day-to-day life in the scorching heat of day and the suffocating heat of night is well portrayed in short chapters with limpid prose. It brings to life something of the Lisbon we visited a few years ago.  

It is written almost as the confession of a crime: Intriguing, kind of a reverse krimi, as Pereira confesses how he came gradually to commit the crimes he did against the regime without ever quite intending to do so.    


Judging a book by its cover!

Roberto Calasso, The Art of the Publisher (2015).

GoodReads meta-data is 148 pages rated 3.78 by 608 litizens.

Genre: Memoir.

DNA:  Bibliomania.

Verdict: Engaging.

Tagline: Indophile.  

Roberto Calasso is himself a story teller with many books to his credit, however he is also a publisher of books by others. Between these covers he has collected essays reflecting on his long career as a publisher, a vocation that combines a circus ringmaster with a bazaar stall holder on his telling. After an apprenticeship in other publishing houses, in the 1960s he started Adelphi to bring to Italy high quality works the big publishers, for reasons of their own, were not translating or publishing, e.g., George Simenon’s novels, apart from the Maigret titles.  

To establish Adelphi press, Calasso strove to make an Adelphi book whole, by that he means making every aspect of each book from the cover, to the blurb, to the advertising, the front and back flaps, the paper on which it was printed, the font, the spine to be all of a piece with the words of the book itself.  

He also broke with a long tradition in Italian publishing, he says, of treating readers as children. Before Adelphi, foreign books in translation for Italian readers always had a forward explaining the book to readers.  Adelphi omitted such condescending expositions.  Indeed, in one case when translators admitted they could not render a certain German writer into serviceable Italian, he published the book in its original German in the Adelphi collection for the Italian market. Was that the incomprehensible Heidegger? 

Few readers like me spare a thought to publishers, but perhaps we should especially in this age of transition from analogue on paper to digital in pixels.  He dissects one passionate defence of digital books in a series of brilliant strokes. The expositor went on and on about how digital books mean we read together as a community because we can know who else is reading this book, how far they have gotten, and the very passages which they have underlined and the annotations they have entered. This approach undermines the very essence of reading, per Calasso, namely a silent and solitary communion between author and reader, not among readers, not with crowd noise, alone and yet in company. Amen, Brother Roberto. Willa Cather said the meaning of a book is a chemical suspension in the air between reader and page. John Williams in Stoner (2006) has a moving passage on this communion at the end of this neglected masterpiece.  

Digression warning: Speaking of underlining or highlighting texts, as a student I bought used textbooks. The crush and confusion of the beginning of semester in the bookstore taught me how to select quickly from the used copies. One that had many passages underlined in the first chapter or two, was a prospect.  The more underlining in those chapters the better, because it meant the underliner had no idea what was important, using a net when a line was needed.  Invariably in later chapters there was no underlining because the over-underliner (I couldn’t resist that) had dropped the course and sold back the book.  Every time I applied this algorithm, it worked: a heavily marked up first chapter meant clean pages to come. Detour is complete.

Does a reader of William Faulkner’s Sound and Fury really want to see what everyone else, or even a selection of them, have underlined while reading this demanding but memorable story? Does it add anything to our relationship to the bewildered Benjy? 

Moreover, I harbour the suspicion that in the whole world every line of every book has been underlined by someone, and so…. Yes, what is the point? Good question, Mortimer.  

Roberto Calasso

In Calasso’s essays there is much insider talk of Italian authors, editors, publishers, translators that would mean more to someone versed in Italian Twentieth Century literature than it does to me.  But Calasso has some perfect turns of the phrase to hold even my jaded attention.  

The tagline ‘Indophile’ above comes from his repeated references to Indian mystics, the Hindu vedas, which did not make much headway for me.  It comes across as faint echo of tie-dying, dope smoking, incense burning Westerners who went to India to find the perfect curry.