IMDb meta-data is runtime of 1 hour and 23 minutes, rated 6.4 by 7,087 cinematizens.
Genre: Sy Fy.
Verdict: Old Gold.
The Skyhook program of communication and weather (sure) satellites is not going well. Eleven Air Force rockets have gone up to deploy satellites and eleven have come crashing down. Low bid contractors indeed. Yet they should work, according to sweaty Hugh in the desert southwest. Well, try, try, try again he concludes and fires up number twelve. Some budget.
En route to hit the next red button his car is buzzed by a big optical illusion. Sure. He is not a man to jump to the conclusions of his own eyes. He proceeds to the red button.
While he is thus engaged a Big Optical Illusion (BOI is code for UFO) lands at the base and blasts it into special effects unbeknownst to bunkered Hugh who only has eyes for the red button. The redoubtable Morris Ankrum is carried off by the BOI for a session of scrambled Eggheads.
While the Illusionists had tried to contact Hugh earlier when their BOI buzzed his car to arrange a meeting, his cell phone battery was dead and he didn’t get the text. So when the Illusionists landed the immediate reaction is bang! Bang! Now that rings true. Intruder! Kill! Whereas I thought maybe they came to lend Hugh some batteries. It is all hot Cold War. There is no negotiation with the Illusionists, but a rush to prepare a new and more deadly weapon. This weapon involves projecting heavy metal music at the UFOs causing them to go all hysterical. Whoops. Just made that up. Do pay attention.
The immediate response is shoot to kill.
Aside: When wondering why no aliens have contacted us, ponder that. Maybe they have been watching our historical tapes, and knowing what to expect by way of reception and so have steered well clear of this rock where the rule is shoot first and read the script later.
Back to the action! We soon discover by tapping their telephones that the Illusionists did not come for the fast food, but rather to conquer, but only after we have killed at least one, though we find out nothing about them except that they are fragile, few, and past retirement age. Are they fleeing from a world ruined by Republicans? By climate change? By Hillary Clinton? The Mendoza Line? All of the above?
Now if Sy Fy stalwart Richard Carlson had been the lead, there would have doubts, questions, very scientific head scratching, tweed jackets, debates, pipes, and – oh hum. Or if it had been John Agar, well, we would have all fallen asleep. But Hugh is a gung-ho soldier-scientist whose wife salutes him before and after. See, I did it again: made something up. The ever grumpy Hugh Marlowe was an odd choice for the hero, but he played the material well enough. He is better, however, as a sinister but cowardly villain, in say The Day the Earth Stood Still (1951) or Seven Days in May (1964).
6 January
But there were four masters of the crafts at work here, the aforementioned actor, the cadaverous Morris Ankrum, Curt Siodmak is credited as writer, technical effects by wizard Ray Harryhausen, and ventriloquist Paul Frees does the narration and the alien-speak. These four all have well-earned Sy Fy credentials. Harryhausen’s flying saucers set the mould for those BOIs (UFOs) to come. Siodmak’s aliens, though undeveloped, stayed with this viewer, as did Frees’s cadence. And Morris, well, he has become an old friend.
I came across an HD coloured version on You Tube and watched it again. When reading about it, there is a rumour of a re-make with Midget Tom playing himself, an alien. That informative and reliable Finnish web site Scifist has not yet got to it, but I hope it will one of these days.
I saw it first in Lexington (KY) with cousin Don about 1956, and remember those spacesuits vividly. And, yes, I have commented on this before. See the 2 November 2017 post for an even more detailed discussion.
GoodReads meta-data is 416 pages, rated 4.80 by 2,759 litizens.
Genre: krimi.
Verdict: Trinity!
March 1945 in the high desert of New Mexico near Santa Fé: Get it? A security officer has been murdered and his mutilated body was found miles away, well outside the perimeter of that strange town on the mesa, and I don’t mean Santa Fé. Get it? Nothing must delay the work in the town and a special investigator arrives to put a lid on speculation while getting to the bottom of the crime. Get it?
Welcome to Atomic City at Los Alamos, along the dried up Alameda River, near Alamogordo and Trinity. Get it? Little Boy and Fat Man are aborning. Inside two layers of barbered wire, patrolled by armed guards and dogs, illuminated at night, observed from watch towers, beyond innumerable checkpoints, all monitored by aerial reconnaissance 5,000 people live and work, many with German, Italian, Polish, and Slavic names, each with a pointy head. Among them are immature college boys and all of them are A-class nerds with no interest in the manly arts of pissing contests. In addition there are several thousand guards and construction workers, some of whom regard these alien pin heads with contempt, which is reciprocated by the some of the boys. It is many worlds in one.
Into this mix is thrown our hero, sent from furtherest D.C. to see what he can see about the death of the security officer forty miles off base. Hero is empowered to do what he thinks fit, provided it in no way slows, hampers, or distracts from the project to make the gadget work. Gadget?
Secrecy means no one talks to anyone else, and it also means only one man knows everything, and it is not the commanding General Leslie Groves, but the brainiac of brains, Robert Oppenheimer. Both members of this odd couple — Groves and Oppenheimer —are portrayed with a deft touch in these pages. Groves wants the job done the army way, yet he knows that is not possible, and Oppenheimer wants it done any way it can be done, but he is not sure that it is possible. The friction is between these two ways. They are united on one thing: no delays! To illustrate the tension: for Oppenheimer free discussion will speed progress, but to Groves it will breach security.
There are so many backstories that they get in the way, but the descriptions of the countryside, and the odd assortment of characters are good. And especially good is the implicit parallel between the Thirteenth Century abandoned Anasazi city and Atomic City.
See this article in the Smithsonian Magazine for some tantalising details ruins.
The conclusion therein is that the Anasazi destroyed themselves, like the GOP.
I read what purported to be a biography of Oppenheimer a couple of years ago, as linked below. It offered more hagiography than analysis, and the title in hand is a good antidote to that.
Most of the action is a police procedural with the constant raking over the facts. The characters are well drawn, including the supporting players like the local sheriff who has learned not to ask too many questions about the Hill (the Mesa). That said, I did find much of the exposition in wordy dialogues a drag that descended to verbal sparring – too many words with too little meaning. In a screen play with actors’ gestures, intonations, facial expression that can work with snappy delivery, but on the page it is deadweight. Still the insights into motivation are the payoff, and they are credible. I wondered also about balance. Much of the early going was leisurely, but the end was rushed, excused by Trinity, but why? That was not the end but a new beginning. In addition, I thought there was too much prescience – hindsight – at the end. Quibble, quibble, quibble….the trouble with quibbles. I am already checking out the author’s other titles.
Joseph Kanon
As usual, many of the thumbnails of the GoodReads comments are about the reviewer and not the book. ‘Me’ seems to be favourite subject of many keyboardians.
IMDb meta-data is 5 minutes 39 seconds runtime, rated by 6.5 by 59 cinematizens.
Genre: Sy Fy.
Verdict: Droll.
Another Kiwi winner on DUST. In a little over five minutes Shelved establishes character(s), context, and leads to a denouement. Nice. There are also some superb animations that are integral to the story rather than substitutes for it, as is very often the case on DUST where the means becomes the end. The result in Shelved is a kind of anti-Real Humans, the Swedish sy fy series reviewed earlier on this very blog, which also featured a warehouse crew.
The Last Empress: Madame Chiang and the Birth of Modern China (2009) by
Hannah Pakula.
Good Reads meta-data is 816 pages rated 3.75 by 424 litizens.
Genre: Biography.
Verdict: Excellent.
Much is explained about Soong Mei-ling (1897/8-2003). As a boy her father worked passage to the United States on a merchant ship and left it in Wilmington (North Carolina) where he found a philanthropic sponsor who paid for his education at Trinity College (before it became Duke University). Having left China at four years old, first for Bali with his father, and then on State-side, he returned to China when he was twenty, a convinced Christian, accustomed to Western food, inexperienced with chop sticks, and committed to American ways with only a boyish smattering of the Chinese language.
He married an equally unconventional Chinese woman who sang and painted, practices usually associated with prostitutes, and sired six surviving children, including Mei-ling, giving each a Christian name, too, hers being Olive. He became a successful entrepreneur and to show his wealth and western ways, educated his daughters as well as his sons. Thus Olive found her way to Wellesley College (I gave a talk there once, or was that Wesleyan?) in the Connecticut woods where she had novelty value and soon learned to use that to her advantage. She maintained a lifelong correspondence with one of her roommates which is much quoted in these pages.
Already we see the woman in the girl. Her Chinese looks made her exotic to Americans, and her American ways made her exotic to Chinese, and she learned to use both perceptions to her advantage, and to switch back-and-forth from Chinese to American in a single conversation.
Like Charlie Soong, Sun Yat-Sen was well-travelled, imbued with America, a firm Christian, and an advocate of a new, reformed, modern China, and their paths crossed, whence they became friends and allies. Sun was the public face, while Soong became the bagman, securing funding through their trials and tribulations as the old regime tottered on its bound feet. The crucial times were just before the Great War in Europe, around 1910 -1912. Olive would have been about 14. When Sun married her older sister, they became family. She was a witness to the baptism of Twentieth-Century China.
There is much background about Chinese history which aids this reader in locating the characters in time and place, more history than one usually finds in a biography and that adds to its length. As a girl she was wilful, energetic, committed to a New China, took for granted the privilege of wealth, and resisted the pressures to get married young and be a good wife. There is a certain dilettantism to her New China commitment rather like Anglo champagne socialists. Never for a moment did she consider that a New China might have no place for her, that wealth might lose its privileges, that the coolies might want to govern.
The divide between North China (including Shanghai) and South China that had bedevilled the tottering empire remained and at times there were two would-be governments, one in Peking (the ancient capital of the empire) and the other in Canton or Nanking, vying for legitimacy, foreign recognition, loans, allies, and friends. Later the Japanese set up another in Manchukuo, while the Brits held on to Hong Kong.
The Chiang Kai-Shek who appears in these pages is an ambitious and unscrupulous man, but one so lacking imagination he can (possibly) be led. He wanted to marry Sun Yat-Sen’s widow (think Richard III), but she reviled him, and so he settled for her younger sister, Olive, who was more pliable at the time, to gain the social status and financial connections of the Soong family one way or another. Like Henri Quatre he converted to get them, from a nominal Buddhist to a nominal Methodist.
His only purpose was uniting China (under neo-emperor Chiang) by absorbing the fractious war lords who had emerged from the decay of the ancien régime, and this focus distracted him either from the Communist whom he underestimated and the Japanese whom he feared. For her part, Olive did occasionally try to improve the lot of ordinary people through charity and war work, but the scale of China was beyond ever her considerable energies and wits. Chiang could never quite subdue the warlords and the 1920s and 1930s was period of constant conflict somewhere in the celestial kingdom. While he negotiated with this warlord or that, the Japanese decided Manchuria had the resources and industries that Nippon needed to join the Great Powers, and so it annexed what had been the richest and most stable region of China while Chiang continued to play warlords. He accepted that as a fait accompli from his bastion in the South.
Stubborn to the core, Chiang never changed, and when war with Japan became inevitable he stuck to the belief that others (the European Great Powers, the USSR, and the USA) would have to defeat Japan, and meanwhile his purpose was to prepare for the eradication of the Communists to consolidate his rule of China. Olive was steadfast and exercised considerable influence over him as amanuensis, translator, negotiator, advisor, observer, charmer, champion, and loyal operative. She articulated and advocated a social program of sanitation, education, communication, and the like, much of which was embodied in the New Life campaign, but throughout Chiang’s regime the army absorbed at least 40 – 60% of the budget by all estimates. Since the wealthy middle and upper classes who supported Chiang paid no tax, and collecting customs from the International Zone of Shanghai and other Treaty Ports was impossible, the financial burden fell on peasants, who were taxed two or three times a year to amass the wherewithal for yet another campaign of final eradication against another warlord. Olive had a finely developed blind eye for much of this oppression.
Aside, she did not have a sustained and concrete project in the way that Eva Peron did for the shirtless ones. Olive’s good works seem more infrequent and dilettantish than Eva’s. Nor do they compare in scope or depth to Eleanor Roosevelt’s contributions to domestic politics.
Uniting China would garner international recognition for Chiang’s government, and that would allow him to raise funds for the army (oh, and for those social programs, if there was any left over, though it never was) from international banks. That was the logic of his focus. To unify the vast, disparate, and querulous regions of China, Chiang looked to the model of European fascism for order and discipline. Olive had the rhetoric of constitutional democracy from her American years, which he learned to tolerate, but never himself espoused, although as his translator Olive sometimes put such phrases in his mouth.
During Chiang’s long ascension he was at times courted by both Stalin and Hitler. Russia wanted a bulwark to hobble Japanese threats to its Far East (including the buffer state of Mongolia), and if the Communist and Nationalist cooperated, China might be strong enough to impede Japanese access to its natural resources. Hitler, on the other hand, simply wanted to bedevil French and British interests in Asia, and so on occasion invested a little time and money in wooing Chiang to undermine the Europeans. In fact, during the early stages of this second Sino-Japanese War in 1938 Chiang’s principle military advisor was a German general — Alexander von Falkenhausen — to whom he seldom listened, but who had trained and equipped several Chinese divisions, which proved to be the best in the Nationalist army. These troops were so good that Chiang tried to withdraw them from combat with the Japanese and reserve them for another eradication campaign with the Communist, a plan that came unstuck when these units became the core of American General Joseph Stilwell’s Chinese Expeditionary Force in Burma. CKS quid pro quo for these troops was a pipeline of Lend Lease material through Burma.
Stilwell despised Chiang and the Dragon Lady but put on a happy face for unity.
There is no doubt Madame Chiang was a force. At one point she was the official head of the Nationalist Air Force and instrumental in recruiting, retaining, and giving free reign to Claire Chennault to run it over the objections of many Chinese generals who wanted access to the prestige, money, and goods that went with it. She was the only one who could get Chiang to bend or even change his plans. With all others he was stubborn because he aspired to the infallibility of a son of heaven emperor.
(Chennault was an exceptional flyer, trainer, and organiser of pilots, until he developed a Napoleonic complex and tried to influence grand strategy. His strategies always made him the centre of attention and never worked and that was alway the fault of someone else.)
The oceanic corruption in the Nationalist regime was the price the Chiangs paid, on this telling, to retain allies and subordinates in the vast, fractious landscape of China. Trying to eliminate it would have toppled the regime, per this author. Best then to try to manage the corruption by participating in it! To illustrate the effect of this corruption. The American manufacturer of an airplane would sell it to a Chinese agent for $1,000 who paid for it with Chinese government money but the agent would then change the invoice to $4,000, pocketing the entire sum. Nor were all the $4,000 planes ever delivered despite the payments. Some were sold at the price two or three times. To fund these outlandish prices much of the money raised for Chinese War Relief (of Civilians) by Madame Chiang was siphoned off to these war materials. (There are occasional references to this Relief fund in the contemporary Charlie Chan films.) Without a doubt members of the Soong and Chiang families participated in this profiteering. Strange but this story reminds of a recent crime family’s occupation of the White House.
The disjunction between Olive’s rhetoric of the rule of law and democratic equality and the reality of her personal behaviour is brought home in numerous instances. She used people and once she got what she wanted from them, they disappeared from her consciousness. One day you were her dearest friend, and the next day she looked through you. Servants were treated like slaves, and there were many servants, and she treated many people as though they were servant-slaves, and so ingrained was this haughty manner that it was manifested even in her wartime visits to the United States and Canada when she was tying to win friends, so much so that the press got wind and word of it and her halo started to tarnish. Her speeches, by the way, on this trip are marvellous, though occasionally there are some obtuse passages that would make a Jürgen Habermas proud. Two things are clear: she wrote nearly all of her own speeches and she was good at it. Second, she relied on a dictionary with little sense of usage. She too long retains a sophomoric desire to impress auditors with long and unusual words culled from dictionaries.
While she was in the States raising money for Chinese war orphans, she booked a floor of the Waldorf Hotel for many thousands of dollars, and went on a mink coat shopping spree, purchasing ten, with all the associated accoutrements which added up to more thousands of dollars. This booty had to be flown into China over the Himalayas where every fourth plane crashed, often killing the American crew. This, too, the press sniffed. The author shows, piteously, that much the money raised for orphans went straight to the Soong family, including Olive. (It seemed to me to be a parallel with the argument Pericles made about the Delian League. Think about that!)
When Wendell Wilkie visited China in 1943 he was completely enamoured of Olive and she wrapped him around a little finger, assuming he would succeed FDR. Therein lies a juicy tale for readers of this book. Check it out for yourselves. He thereafter became the number one cheerleader for Kuomintang (KMT) China. No reality check dissuaded him. Much of Wilkie’s memoir One World (1945) is an ode to (Madame) China.
While it is not emphasised, in passing the author makes the observation several times that the the Chinese penchant for avoiding embarrassment and humiliation (face) meant that bad news was not reported. If an army division was destroyed, the report would be about the heroic salvage of spare tires or some such trivia. And Chiang made that cultural reluctance worse by frequently, sometimes literally, shooting the messenger.
An Australian journalist (William Donald; there is an informative entry about this accomplished individual in the Australian Dictionary of Biography) who was undoubtedly smitten with her became her full-time press agent. His coaching and advice did much to create the public image of Madame Chiang.
The book explains much of the post-War hysteria about ‘Who lost China,’ which radio pundits were still rehashing in the 1960s, e.g. Thomas Dodd, Paul Harvey, and Walter Judd, among others. General Joseph Stilwell and his ilk were renounced by the pygmies in D.C. after his 1946 death for his efforts to cooperate with Chou En-lai to fight the Japanese. He had one meeting with Chou who agreed to obey his orders, but Chiang refused to cooperate with Chou on any terms. In the other corner were are all those deluded missionaries who believed Chiang’s superficial commitment to Christianity and overlooked the palpable corruption, cruelty, and incompetence of his regime. Reminds me of the evangelicals and the other guy. No sin is too egregious as long as he holds up an unread Bible. It became obvious by 1943 that CKS had no legitimacy in the parts of China nominally under his control. He was but one war lord among many, with this difference: He had Olive to present him to the world. But no amount of American aid or intervention would have propped up the rotten KMT regime for long.
CKS and KMT were unable to change. All appointments and promotions in the government and the army were based on personal loyalty to CKS, and not competence, ability, motivation, skill, or anything else. The only criterion was loyalty to Chiang. The only thing that trumped loyalty was kinship. CKS appointed numerous, distant relatives to important jobs, though they were unable to perform the duties, having them in place blocked out others who might not be so dependent on and loyal to Chiang. While the nepotism crippled his regime, he never changed it. If anything the transfer to Taiwan exacerbated it.
The native Taiwanese population were not regarded as Chinese, and so by definition they were disloyal to the embodiment of China, namely, Chiang, and, moreover, they had to be displaced to make room for those loyalists who followed CKS to the island. Hence upon arrival his army purged the islanders from administration, education, business, army, and the like on the grounds that they were all communists, many of whom were murdered. Nor was any of this secret. US State Department officials witnessed, documented, and recorded it, but such facts bounced off the Christian China lobby in D.C. (Nothing ever changes with god-botherers.) The result was to shoot the messengers in the McCarthy hysteria.
Soong Mei-ling outlived Chiang, and just about every one else, spending her last thirty years in the States, dying in (1898-) 2003, an unreconstructed Cold Warrior. Olive was manipulative, sly, persistent, wily, played a long game, a user, a snob, a marvellous orator, a much stronger personality than CKS, a power seeker, tyrannical, oblivious to her own contradictions, imperious, a speaker of many hollow phrases, a patriot, without self-knowledge or doubts, and much else. All that said, and more, she was one of the half-dozen major players in World War II, and the only woman to have that role.
It occurred to me that Olive and CKS might have played good-cop, bad-cop in their dealings with the Yankees. He was intransigent and never gave inch so when she asked for the moon it seemed reasonable compared to him, often with the result being they got a lot of what they really wanted.
She had more direct influence over Chiang and his government than, say, Eleanor Roosevelt had with FDR administration or Eva with Juan Peron.
Oddity. Her older sister had married Sun Yat-sen early in the Twentieth Century, and as his widow she tried to adhere to his vision of China, often denouncing, sometimes publicly, the CKS regime. When the Communists took over the country, she chose to stay in China with the masses, and she was regarded as a living embodiment of the continuity of the new regime with Dr Sun, and sequestered in comfort. She likewise occasionally, and publicly rebuked this regime, too, especially during the Cultural Revolution. Her symbolic value was so great that these remarks were overlooked by Emperor Mao.
The book charts Olive’s growth and change from a cloistered college girl to the dragon lady whose death was not mourned by a good part of the population of Taiwan, despite the official gloss. Though she lived in the States for years she continued (to try) to influence Taiwan politics in favour of the old guard (and her family), and her extravagant living arrangements were funded by US Aid money meant for Taiwan. When her house was cleared post-mortem, one closet was found stacked with cardboard boxes of US dollars on top of piles of gold ingots. Rainy day savings.
The author has distance from the subject, and does not take anything at face-value. Yet the picture of Olive is understanding, if not sympathetic, and the digressions on context were informative to this reader (otherwise ignorant of Chinese history) though they added considerably to the length of the book. However the book lacks a last summing-up chapter which I missed. After all the details, a final chapter that weighs things up is valuable but rare in biographies. It seems biographers are exhausted at the end, and just want it to done. Editors are so jaded they have no interested in the needs of readers, and so this book ends without a reckoning apart for a few passages from obituaries.
The author seems to specialise in royal women with other biographies of Prussian Empress Frederick who mothered Kaiser Bill and Queen Marie of Roumania.
Kate had a distant brush with Madame Chiang in Rees family lore. Kate’s mother bred dogs, scores of them at time, and sold one to a local agent acting, she was told, for Olive sometime in the 1960s.
She gave one of her anti-communist speeches at Nebraska Wesleyan University in Lincoln on 30 September 1966. I expect I read about in the local newspaper at the time, but have no recollection. I was just starting my sophomore year of college a hundred miles away.
Goodreads meta-data is 240 pages rated 3.86 by 1,196 litizens.
Genre: PI.
Lew Archer agrees to find a run-away wife so that her husband can talk to her. He seems harmless; she isn’t. It is sixth entry in Macdonald’s sunshine noir oeuvre, featuring Lew.
The wife has latched onto a film contract, or to be more exact, a film mogul has latched onto her with the contract bait. Who will land whom? Who is the more unscrupulous and devious? It’s neck-and-neck on those criteria. The backdrop of Archer’s weary and gruelling investigation is So Cal Babylon:
“Hollywood started as a meaningless dream, invented for money. But its colors ran, out through the holes in people’s heads, spread across the landscape, and solidified: North and south along the coast, east across the desert, across the continent. Now we were stuck with the dream without a meaning. It has become the nightmare that we lived in.” He is reacting to the people from across the country who come to Hollywood to live in that dream, and fail.
The dream went sour but we are stuck with it. ‘Huh?’ you may well say, but it is striking prose all the same. The Studios will do anything – yes, anything, including eating their own – to preserve the dream because that is where the money is. The title should refer to cannibalism.
As always with Macdonald few words are wasted. When furniture in a room is described it adds weight to the ambience, if the colour of a car is noted it reflects the mood, if a man’s suit is mentioned the bulge in his coat conceals a gun, and so on. There are no Vogue-Elle-IKEA descriptions as ends-in-themselves. Then there are the metaphors that sharpen the spikes. Macdonald is surely the inheritor of Chandler. The vision is bleak in all that sunshine, in all that post war wealth, in all that easy living, but somehow uplifting in the end when all the pieces fall into place and the decent people get on with their lives. There is no happy ending but there is resolution of a kind.
Spoiler: His standard plot devices are present. The villain, well the first villain since there are many, hired Archer as cover, there is a folie à deux in a middle-aged couple who ought to know better, there are unscrupulous fixers, crooked cops, wannabe starlets, honest working stiffs, innocent victims, sunshine grifters, musclemen, bathing beauties, in short, much of fictional So Cal.
Those connoisseurs who chart these things regard it as the last book in the first phase of Archer’s three-part career. Good as it is, the Archer books got better and better, it is true, and I thought there were times in these pages when Macdonald was trying too hard, or I simply missed the point, or a tangent contributed nothing. For a tribute to Macdonald’s career click the embedded link below.
Snowflake alert: the book reflects the time and place in this portrayal of blacks, hispanics, women, homosexuals though none of this is emphasised. That said, the only honest people Archer encounters are a black pool man, a Latino gateman, and the wife’s sister, all of whom are crucial to the plot.
IMDb meta-data is 11 minutes, rated 6.6 by 63 cinemtizens.
Genre: Sy Fy.
Verdict: Charming.
In Appalachia an eleven-year old Gene dreams of the stars on the 1938 autumn evening when on the radio Orson Welles broadcasted The War of the Worlds. Gene’s share-cropper father, beset by the Depression, struggling to eke a living from a hard scrabble farm, aided by his emaciated wife, hounded by a foreclosing bank, all of them stunted by malnutrition, encourages Gene to dream of the stars. Touching.
‘I got all misty,’ Dobie. If there is an explanation for the title, I’d be glad to learn it.
The parents stepped straight out of the photographs in James Agee and Walker Evans’s Let Us Now Praise Famous Men (1941), once read never forgotten. Yes, I know this book has been subjected to a pygmy attack of late. It is never too late for pygmies to sup on the dead.
Edward Tufte,‘The Cognitive Style of Power Point,’ page 156-185.
This is a chapter in his marvellous book Beautiful Evidence (2006) which ought to be mandatory study in business, engineering, economics, political science and much else.
In this chapter Tufte eviscerates those who practice McKinsey management by Power Point. There are some humdingers. One is Abraham Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address reduced to Power Point KPIs. Thus drained of meaning, no would ever remember it. Follow the link below.
Likewise is the painstaking argument that NASA disasters have occurred partly because of the superficial decision-making using Power Point. Gulp! It is not just the low-bid contractors but the absence of specification, documentation, and clarification, favouring instead hierarchical bullet points and discussion. Technical papers are boring compared to the light show! When post-disaster inquiries asked for the technical studies from which the presentation Power Points were derived, they discovered there were no technical documents. Just the PP slides derived from — wait for it — discussions. Now that is engineering! Not! Maybe that is how low-bid contractors keep the price down, saving on printing costs. (We all know how expensive toner cartridges are.)
The curse of McKinsey is not just limited to Power Point, as Tufte shows. When at launch the heat shield problem was detected NASA officials decline to ask the US Air Force to turn one of its spy satellites on the space shuttle to get a look at the hole. Why? Because it would have compromised the KPIs of the management team’s advancement to promotion. Rather than find out right away how serious the problem was, the managers decided it was not serious enough to risk personal promotion. Eight astronauts died in that crash.
Remember that O-ring? I do. He is even more direct in the piece linked below.
Dare we conclude similar light shows are the basis for other, military decisions, too. Probably, but these are only on the public record in Arlington. How Robert McNamara would have loved Power Point. Bad decisions, bad planes made efficiently!
Edward Tufte who does not do Ted Talks for the same reasons.
In politics, we know that the Blair governments in Great Britain operated by discussion with the attendant vagaries, having nothing in writing that could be leaked or revealed through Freedom of Information requests now or ever. No doubt this approach explains much.
GoodReads metadata is 336 pages rated 3.73 by 8,320 litizens.
Genre: Police procedural.
Verdict: Measured.
Chief Inspector van Veeteren is dispatched to sleepy Kaalbringen (Pop. 45,000) to advise the local plod on the investigation of a gruesome murder. Most covers of this tome show a butcher’s ax. VV is reluctant to go but needs must, while the local plod, only too glad to have someone with whom to share the blame, welcomes him. Had he looked for Kaalbringen on a map, he would have failed to locate it as it is fictional. While the author is Swedish the names of characters are a mix of Flemish, French, English, Polish, and Swedish – very Euro. Having said that, it is also true there are no Asians or dark skins around. So it is only Euro. (Though by the way the currency is not the Euro but the guilder.)
The individual characters are well delineated from the ambitious female constable to her bumbling male partner, to the soon to retire local chief of police with whom VV plays chess (which is a metaphor for the plot but also a part of it), to the chief’s heir apparent who tensely strives not to put a foot wrong in front of VV and as a result barely moves.
Even as VV arrives another axed corpse is found and then a week later another, three in all: Chop, chop, and chop. The victims seem to have had nothing in common, and there are slight variations in the modus operandi, apart from the ax. The aresponsible media whips up public hysteria which drains police time and budget. It seemed pretty obvious soon enough who the culprit was….but it was a nice trip. Likewise, how could so many people have read the Melnike Report and not notice the missing page with and without page numbers?
The titular Borkmann was VV’s mentor long ago, and his point was that in an investigation there may come a time when gathering yet more information will cloud rather than clarify reality. At the eponymous point there is enough information, enough pieces of the puzzle are there and it is time to put them together. All pieces are not necessary to get the outline. A skilled investigator learns to recognise that point and then see the whole picture.
As in krimis, so it is in social science, far more information (data) is collected than is ever analysed. It is a design-fault in the way we do social science because the career incentives lie in doing something new, not in raking over old ground for meaning. In most studies the data, whatever form it takes, is examined once for immediate purposes of a publication, and then shelved. Truth to be told, despite two generations of emphasis on methodology most studies are so idiosyncratic in conception that raking them again by another researcher is not possible. I’ll cite PhD completions where the uniqueness of the work is always the money shot. Ergo Borkman’s Point rang a bell for this reader.
Håkan Nesser
This is the second in a long-running series. I read it years ago but retained nothing from it except that I liked it, so when I came across it recently I re-read it. I expect to meet VV again in another book.
Make Russia Great Again (2020) by Christopher Buckley
GoodReads meta-data is pages rated 3.72 by 1,372 litizens.
Genre: Satire.
Verdict: Mission impossible to parody reality.
A satire that parodies the Other Guy mercilessly and yet isn’t funny because it is too much like reality. How many different ways can i-m-b-e-c-i-l-e be spelled. Not many.
It is couched as a prison therapy project for The Other Guy’s seventh Chief of Staff, who writes a memoir of his turbulent, if short, career in the White House. Herb Nutterman had been happy as a catering manager, until he got the offer he couldn’t refuse.
Many names have been changed to protect the guilty. Though on GoodReads I see those who feel their pouts deserve a wider readership don’t get it. It is Dickensian. Get it? (No, well, look it up.)
Buckley’s imagination is unequal to the task of thinking of some grotesque stupidity, indecency, or crime The Other Guy did not commit. Buckley sets out to exaggerate and ends up with understatement.
I chose it because the author is a prince of the capital ‘C’ Conservative priesthood, scion of the singular William Buckley, who along with other keepers of that flame like George Will and Gary Wills have remained human and humane in the tsunami of offal that continues.
GoodReads meta-data is 198 pages, rated 4.04 by 52 litizens.
Genre: krimi.
Verdict: Rings true.
Another neat police procedural set in the jurisdiction of the US Eighth Army, 1970s South Korea. Ironmen George Sueño and Ernie Bascom investigate GI black marketing (selling everything from tax-payer subsidised cigarettes to washing machines bought cheap at the camp PX to Koreans for profit), drug dealing, stolen weapons, bored and dallying army wives, and such like, until one day a splash in a Hong Kong rag sends them North to talk to a frontline commander at the DMZ who keeps ordering combat alerts within sight of NKs. A quiet word off-line is what HQ wants, but where these two go thunder claps follow. ‘Quiet’ is not the word.
This is the 14th instalment in the long running series and par for the course with one addition and two subtractions. The addition is a strong-willed, razor-sharp journalist who stays one step ahead our heroes all the way, and what’s more is a woman. By turns, she bamboozles them, beguiles them, threatens them, outsmarts them, stays two steps ahead of them, manipulates them far more effectively than their superiors and then briskly takes her leave, while our heroes stand around gaping. Atta girl! The subtractions are from the Ironman quotient. In previous titles George and Ernie have enough alcohol and sex to float the U.S. Seventh Fleet on one liquid or the other, but not this time. Both are oddly dry on each front. Ernie’s zipper seems stuck for once, and George must be broke if he cannot drink dry every one of the many bars they enter.
As with every entry in the series, Límon’s knowledge, respect, and affection for Korea’s people, culture, history, and language shines through. He was a GI Lifer and spent half of that time in Korea. It shows and glows. Equally usual is the far-fetched plot, though as strange Sergeant Strange says to George and Ernie at one point, ‘In Korea most things are possible.’