Bachelor of International Studies

Further questions or comments may be posted here.

This post is for follow-up to my presentation on the Bachelor of International Studies. I deleted some pictures to reduce the size of the Power Point presentations
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4 thoughts on “Bachelor of International Studies”

  1. looking through your blog and looking through the units availble, whats possibility of introducing proper political theory units?
    I approached a philosophy faculty member to enquire about learing about moral and political philosophy/theory and all that can be studied is peter singer, philosophy of happiness (looks like poor hedonism) and contemporary political philosophy….
    Whats the possibility of units including the likes of the greats of moral and political philosophy like Aristotle, other Hellenistic philosophers, cicero and stuart?

  2. Josh,
    Thanks for the post which I published yesterday. I love teaching political theory, as the blog makes clear, so I am personally delighted to learn of your interest. However the opportunity for me to teach political theory only arises rarely. Why? Because we are so sensitive to our student market that we give higher priority to other things, and I do some of those other things where there is more demand from students than there is for political theory. That is the current situation, but tomorrow is always another day.
    Kindest personal regards.

  3. That is precisely why it is so critical to have teachers like you Michael, that challenge that ‘market-forces’ approach to higher learning.
    What we want most is someone with a passion for something, who can communicate the information with that passion, which we then (hopefully) pick up like a contagion!

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