‘The Dog/The Cat’ at the Belvoir Theatre

It is not often that I hear my own department at the University of Sydney mentioned on stage, but it is in this production.
We entered committed to dogs in the eternal world war between the canine and feline, at the end we had to admit that the cat stole the show.
But as any dog will say, the problem with the first part of the title above is that there was NO dog. What is a dog to do if it is not there? That sounds like a Zen question. Moving on.
The staging was exhilarating. The players were exuberant and mournful by turns as we charted the ups and downs of the love lives of the principals.
It is sold out for the remainder of this season but there is a waiting list for cancellations. That might be worth a try.
I booked long ago after reading a review, but when Herself asked me on the night why I had wanted to go I had forgotten the substance of the review. It didn’t matter. The show sold itself. No mediation required.