It’s all about race.

There is only one domestic issue in the United States: race.
That President Black Obama got elected was a shock. It certainly surprised me. And a great many people have never accepted that result.
Little_Rock_Desegregation_1957.jpg Here are the haters at work. Bibles clutched, voices raised, faces red, necks distended. What the haters feared has happened. These are the Trump and Cruz voters.
Of course, the sophisticates have learned to code their reactions for the media, but the heart of the matter is that a black man is president!
How can that be? Those unreliable voters, again!
In the years since his election many means have been tried to rein in voters to prevent the recurrence of such an aberration. They take many forms but commonly raise the barrier to voting while easing the capacity of voter-buyers to do so.
kkk_960.jpg The more direct methods of insuring the outcome as practiced by these Trump voters.
Racing car drivers wear suits labeled with the logos of their sponsors. So should politicians, as has been said by others. Every Representative and Senator should appear thus besuited. Ditto candidates.
Paytona500_McConnell.jpg The haters prefer someone like Senator Mitch McConnell.
President Clinton once said something like that title about race, and he was right. Responses to a host of specific issues comes down to race. Unemployment, mortgages, education, health care, even veterans’ care…. The list goes on.