Rupert’s Organs set another record

How low can Rupert go? Another new record.
I have noticed in the ‘Times of London,’ the ‘Wall Street Journal,’ and our very own ‘The Australian’ and no doubt Fox News (but I never watch fiction) that President Barry ‘Bomb ‘em’ Obama is now being sledged.
In an effort to suck up to the Blond Beast, and with Hillary Clinton sidelined, Murdoch Rupert’s organs are now devoted full time to blackening Barry Obama. [Get it?] The snide racism of that woman on Fox News, who has now gone to NBC to continue the bile, is not enough. (The business decision was no doubt that she would drag her audience with her to NBC in the main stream. How the mighty NBC has fallen.)
Now that Vladimir Putin is the Blond Beast’s best friend, Obama cannot be disparaged for being soft on Russia, so….
In a creative leap, the Organs of Rupert have decided — sit down — Obama is a closet, no not that, a closet Marxist! Yes, they have! It has been drumpeted as news, in feature articles, and one of the local hacks has slurred it out a keyboard in an op-ed piece. Piece, indeed.
Proof once again that there is no limit to hypocrisy. (Mitch McConnell has a long way to go to compete with this standard. Keep trying, Mitch! [He hasn’t got a chance, but it doesn’t hurt to see the pathetic clot try.] )
Hypocrisy yes, but hardly original. The Alt Right nut cases have been saying this for eight years. Or that he is an Islamic fundamentalist. Or an alien spawn. Or…… They cannot seem to make up their minds. Wait, ‘minds,’ maybe that is the problem.
But now the nut cases are in charge. H. L. Mencken was right.
Here’s a flash.
Putin and the Blond Beast will pair up as running mates in the next elections in each country.
Or, another:
The Blond Beast will sell, er, marry off one of his children to Putin to cement the alliance.