4 October in history.

History is just one thing after another.
1537 William Tyndale published an edition of the New Testament Bible. It was the first English translation based on early Greek and Hebrew texts and the first English translation to be mass produced.
1797 The first Spanish merino sheep’s back arrived in Sydney. They came from Escorial. (Been there.) The MacArthur’s developed Elizabeth Farm. Been there.
1883 The Orient Express started. Been to the places named on the poster and once rode on a leg of the Orient Express from Munich to Vienna. Not the grand train of legend but the everyday service from one end of the line to the other.
1927 Work began on Mount Rushmore monument. Been there. The Crazy Horse monument will look like the image in white in the foreground. Expect a Trump Tower to blot the landscape all too soon.
Crazy Horse.jpg
1957 Sputnik launched. I heard its beep beep in the junior high school auditorium where we were gathered to hear Walter Cronkite put on a brave face this accomplishment for (Red) mankind. No I cannot link sound recordings to these entries, though I have tried. It can be found on You Tube.