Leader of the Pack (2012) by David Rosenfelt.

GoodReads meta-data is 260 pages, rated 4.07 by 2934 litizens. 

Genre: krimi.

Verdict: Golden Retrievers rule!

Six years after the guilty verdict, lawyer Andy is sure that loser Joey is innocent and by a strange coincidence in which his best friend, Tara the Golden Retriever, figures 

Andy finds a way to re-open the case.  

Mafia, drugs, arms smuggling, cartels, nut jobs, and frontmen are all involved and the body count increases, believe it or not, past 20,000.  Subtle it is not.  

Andy is droll, self-deprecating, and frequently wishes he had not gone to law school. He has a lower case a-team to help his investigations, and then there is the one-man army, Marcus of few to no words, a body guard hired by Mrs. Andy to look her investment in Andy.  Does he ever.  

Tara makes a good listener when Andy tries to work out what is going on.  There are some loose ends, like how both the Montana letter and phone call were lost, who was bugging Nicky Fats (both the FBI and Iuoto?), why was Joey so convincing in the first place?  

David Rosenfeld

When the mechanical Kindle Turk recommended it I was curious about the bounding dog on the cover and tried a sample, and kept going.  It is more violent than my usual fare but the canine element and good humour overcame my doubts.  It is the tenth title in a long running series and I expect to read another when I am ready for another Nordic noir blood bath.