This Time Away (2019)

This Time Away (2019)

IMDb meta-data is 13 minutes, rated 7.3 by 164 cinematizens.

Genre: Sy Fy

Verdict: Satisfying.  

Nigel is a grumpy old man and content to remain that.  My audience identification was immediate. The usual tropes follow but they are so well done that it works.  His closed shell opens a crack, and the patient robot enters…slowly.  Maybe I am a sucker for this motif since I liked Robot & Frank (2012), too, when so many did not. Though Robot in Robot & Frank did conspire in a bank robbery. It must the Isaac Asimov effect.  

Another short winner from DUST with the ever versatile Timothy Spall as the reclusive Nigel. It can be found on You Tube.