Dans une galaxie près chez vous 2 (2008)
IMDb meta-data is a runtime of 1 hour and 40 minutes, rated 6.5 by 619 hopheads.
Genre: Sy Fy.
DNA: Québécois.
Verdict: La même équipe, les mêmes blagues.
Tagline: The second time is not even farce.

It is 2040 and a desperate Earth, dying of its sins, turns to most puissant nation, le Canada, for salvation. Yes, things are so bad that Canada looks good.
The mission is to find an uninhabited but habitable planet for Earth’s ever decreasing population. With Les Canadiens uniforms, in ice hockey formation this is the crew for the job. Again.
There are disquieting rumours that a ‘3’ will be made, if viewers show any interest. ‘Hands down, everyone!’