The Big Meat Eater (1982)
IMDb meta-data is a runtime is 1 hour 22 minutes, rated 5.2 by 398 friends and family.
DNA: Canada
Genre: Sy Fy.
Tagline: The best of the lot.
Verdict: Your tax dollars at work.

A small town butcher in the Ottawa River valley has a shop built on a fuel source for an alien space ship. To get at the fuel the aliens slowly (very) and subtlety (not) take over the town to get at the fuel.
Sounds better than it is. It is a bit of this, some of that, and less and less.
The butcher’s slogan is ‘Pleased to meet you. Meat to please you.’ That is the only smile I got in the runtime.
Funded by Telefilm Canada, like Music of the Spheres reviewed elsewhere on this blog. Certainly no private investor would have bought this pitch. But a public service committee under pressure to spend the money or lose it did. Just think: the proposal for this film must have been the better than others on the table. Think about that. Wisely, on its website Telefilm Canada does not list the projects it has funded.