Out of print and out of copyright titles avaiable in electronic form.
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Questia claims to be the largest on-line library. Project Gutenberg has 19,000 titles.
Questia claims to be the largest on-line library. Project Gutenberg has 19,000 titles.
Out of print and out of copyright titles avaiable in electronic form.
According to the Three Laws a public administrator must:
1. not harm a minister, or, through inaction, allow a minister to come to harm.
2. obey the orders of a minister except where such orders would conflict with the First Law.
3. protect its own existence, as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.
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The rough draft of a conference paper for the Law and Parliament Conference in Ottawa, Canada, November 2006.
Socrates refers at one point in the Penguin edition of the Republic to “call girls” long before Alexander Graham Bell invented the telephone to call anyone
What’s the story on literal translations?
If the response is to revise and resubmit the whole process can start over. It is often difficult to please the reviewers in a revise and resubmit if they have been, as is usually the case, inconsistent.
Edwina asked about refereeing, Tash about popular press, and Lilian about links to classics.
I travelled for three weeks, mainly to attend two conferences (in Utrecht and in Coventry) to represent the University. While travelling I alsol did some library research.
Below is a link to my publication list. Gradually I am adding links to electronic sources.
What happened to Harry Spens? This translation is the only entry for him the British Library catalogue.
Plato’s Republic is the foundation text of political theory in general and utopian theory and practice in particular. It has had many Englsih translations. The first in Scotland in 1760’s. What is that translation like and why has it disappeared? Is hegemony the answer? I went to the Rare Book Room to find out.