‘Ich bin ein Berliner’

For years I have heard pygmies declare that ‘ein(e) Berliner’ is a pastry. This is said for the purpose of belittling Jack Kennedy’s use of the phrase, in a speech in Berlin in June 1963, and to deprecate him, too. A search on the web will produce many hits for examples. Enough to satisfy those easily satisfied.
Below is the index card he wrote to insert the phrase in the speech. Before pedants begin correction the spelling, note that it is phonetic and was jotted off in the car on the way to the podium.
JFK card.jpg
Once or twice I have bridled at this casual derogation, based on my own study of German, but that was always dismissed by the interlocutors.
Then one thing was obvious ,,, to those who looked. The Berlin audience in 1963 understood the phrase in the way Kennedy intended.
JFK audience.jpg A crowd of 450,000 according to Wikipedia.
No PhD ever had such a reaction from such a mass of listeners. At the time, at the place it was a message received five by five, loud and clear. There is plenty of evidence on You Tube.
Berliner button.jpg Berliner 2.jpg
The other thing is that it is a grammatically correct statement as even a beginning students of the language know. I have had that confirmed many times over the years by German speakers, and again recently in the image below, taken from a Deutsche Welle website after a murderous attack in Berlin in 2016.
Ich bin ein berliner.jpg
Perhaps the pygmies will now mock these two woman, too, while they bury their dead.
The attacks of pygmies on giants are endless, often petty, always trivial, and seldom accurate. The attacks satisfy some need in the pygmies.
No doubt some entrepreneur in Berlin has been marketing donuts with this meme for years. No doubt someone will offer alternative-facts. It was ever thus.
The other sign says ‘Berlin will hold together.’ Perhaps the best rendering is ‘Berlin will remain.’