The Nurse’s Secret (1941)

IMDb meta-data is 1 hour and 4 minutes run time, rated 5.8 by 150 cinematizens,

Gerne: ODH

Verdict:  Lee!

After superb opening credits with an animated, silhouetted nurse in white casting the light of a torch around an Old Dark House, Lee Patrick comes to the rescue as the nurse.  It seems that in the ODH the heir apparent has had his brains blown out: suicide, accident, or murder?  

The deceased was a caddish wastrel unloved and unmissed, but a mess there on the floor.  While there was no money to inherit from his bed-ridden mother there is a whopper of an insurance policy on Cad himself, which will not be paid for suicide!  So the household preference is for accident. He shot himself in the back of the head while cleaning his finger nails.  Sure. 

Bernie Olds is too smart to fall for that old dodge and he insinuates into the household his squeeze, the one and only Lee Patrick to nurse the bedridden mother. She takes the lead from there on in. A steam roller she keeps at it despite roadblocks, disincentives, threats, assault, and another assault.  It is her picture and the better for it.

Skulduggery abounds.  Who can be trusted?  The peeping butler?  Cad’s jilted girlfriend?  The girlfriend’s paramour de jour? The secret wife of Cad?  The gloomy doctor?  Assorted retainers? The ever so correct lawyer?  

No prizes for guessing.  When everyone else is eliminated that leaves the ever so correct least suspicious one as the cape-wearing shadow.  Though it is hard to picture this geriatric villain carrying around a roof ladder.     

It was released on 21 May 1941 when theatrical newsreels featured the German victories in Crete and Libya.  While secretly in Moscow, the Soviet head of military intelligence argued that Germany was preparing to invade Russia.  Stalin rejected the assessment and when the intelligence officer insisted, Stalin had him arrested and shot.  When will that happen in DC now that the Thief-in-Chief has unlimited power.