The Diceman cometh, and goeth
‘What’s on my mind,’ Facebook asks? Now and again on my patrol of Newtown streets between the Ack-comedy and home, I see a die or even a pair of coloured dice stuck to the top of a street electricity circuit capsule. The Diceman cometh and goeth.
In the very building where the Ack-comedy nestles Diceman has left a mark. There is a single yellow die glued to the top of the switch box in the hallway along from the door. The lighting being what it is in the hallway, some people might not even notice it. Downstairs in the front door lobby of the building there is large glassed-in noticeboard in a metal frame, and for some time there was a green die glued to the top of this structure, but lately it has disappeared.

I did once mention these oddities to a neighbour in the building who dismissed the subject as human idiocy. A conclusion that is hard to argue, but still….well, not specific enough to be the last word.
Then the other day [… drum roll] while getting a take-away coffee from the local human charging station, I noticed the nearby electricity capsule, which has not had a dome on it for years, festooned with a number of dice.

Diceman returneth, I thought, and wondered what was next. Little did I know, again.
Then today, back at the charging station I noticed that the dice had been removed, that is, broken off the top of the capsule, leaving behind small coloured hints of glue. Ouch! But the dome has not been replaced.

How will Diceman react to that? Is it a challenge from Anti-Diceman? Are these two super duper antagonists from another space-time dimension who have carried their dicey conflict into ours? How will the next roll fall? Will crap or craps be the result?
Stay tuned for updates on this Newtown mystery.